Quote Originally Posted by Iraq Ninja View Post
I have been playing around with a micro aimpoint mounted on a Glock, using the aimpoint mount.

I like it, but it is easy to loose the dot if your presentation is not spot on. You end up looking through an empty tube, fishing for the red dot. I am thinking this is due to the nature of the aimpoint design.

Does the burris, J point, etc style have the same issue?
Quote Originally Posted by rob_s View Post
I have found the same thing with the Aimpoint, and I think the JP type are more forgiving in this department.
I have a G19 outfitted with an Optima and don't find it any more forgiving than an Aimpoint. With my arms extended in my shooting stance, I only need to deflect the pistol about two degrees to make the dot disappear (when it was previously centered in the window).

Here are my experiences with it in Todd's Aim Fast Hit Fast class:

And when I got back I was discussing the issue with someone else. Here's an animated GIF I made to show how little deflection is needed to make the dot disappear.

The presence of tall irons should definitely help with tracking the pistol through recoil, but unless the Doc sight is significantly different in terms of optics, I still think you'll lose the dot. I know it is significantly different in terms of housing, but isn't the window still about the same size?