Starting 7-2-2011, there is a shuffle going on in the NFA Examiner World.

Previously you were assigned, as an individual by the first initial of your last name or as a Corp/Business by the first letter of you company name.

Starting 7-2-2011 you will be assigned by the State you live in

Attached should be a copy of the letter from BATFE...

Below is the approx times that yuor examiner is have to add "both" numbers to get a seudo- accurate total of days you are going to wait after mailing it off...

Examiner Time (Days Forms Sent-> Stamp Received)
ExaminerName Days
Albert Lamberger 74
Andrew Ashton 113
Ann Feltner 93
Barbara Payne 118
Christina Farris 125
Dana Pickles 70
Dawn Henson 124
Jason Frushour 86
James S Robertson 20
Nancy Flanigan 119
Nicole Dudash 105
Sandra Snook 123
Sara Jones 101
Suzanne Santamaria 74
Ted Clutter 100
William Berger
William Shipman 97

Examiner Time (Days Pending-> Approved)
ExaminerName Days
Albert Lamberger 38
Andrew Ashton 85
Ann Feltner 62
Barbara Payne 70
Christina Farris 87
Dana Pickles 38
Dawn Henson 76
Jason Frushour 53
James S Robertson
Nancy Flanigan 78
Nicole Dudash 69
Sandra Snook 81
Sara Jones 82
Suzanne Santamaria 39
Ted Clutter 48
William Berger
William Shipman 21

sorry...just noticed there are a couple on numbers missing....maybe your state will be so fast that it couldn't be listed!!!
