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Thread: Lowcountry Regional Training Group log

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Lowcountry, SC.
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    Lowcountry Regional Training Group log

    Last night, we went and worked on one-man clears, IR only. It was freaking dark. Overcast, middle of nowhere, stuff blocking most of the windows of the no-longer habitated houses, which have no power. No illum at all. Great time.

    1) slow down. It’s not a race, and if you’re doing it with NVG, its because you’re trying to be slick. If you want to go faster, use white light. Even so, if you’re doing it solo especially, no need to rush.

    2) while you’re slowing down, don’t hesitate in the door. This is obviously a generic pitfall for CQB, but darkness makes everything a little more awkward. Clear as much as you can, then move decisively into the room, if it makes sense to go in. DECIDE to do things and go places, instead of just bumbling through. Just like any other time.

    3) Illum. There’s a lot of ways to go about this, most of which have some risks. Like being compromised. I’ll name some ideas to jog the creativity. Stick an IR handheld light on your helmet, vertically in the back. I prefer that over facing it forward because its not pointed anywhere near my pistol dot, and because it diffuses nicely. You can also more easily pull it off than one of the ARC Rail thingies. More on this in a bit. I use a Modlight 940 for this, but I’m pretty sure most any IR source will work. If you do the next trick, you can leave the helmet light off most of the time.

    You can also put a small keychain sized beacon on your boot laces. You’ll be amazed at how much that helps. And it compliments your helmet light when you use it, kinda like foglights in concept. Puts the light where you need it to not trip, and you can get away with a very small signature and still see. It also reduces your signature from outside windows. Yeah, you’ll be illuminated to anyone with NODs, but its not quite as severe as if they could directly see the light source. I use a Nite Core IR strobe, but on constant instead of strobe mode.

    IR chems exist, use them if necessary. Hypothetically, they can even be thrown, as can a Modlight. Although it really doesn’t make sense to create all that noise.

    Another thing you can do is place a(n) illumination device(s) near the windows of the structure to backlight the rooms. Or, even on a windowsill. There are obvious tactical limitations to this idea. If you weren’t doing this alone, (lets be serious, one man clearing an entire building under NVG is an unrealistic scenario) you could have the dudes outside on security help you out. Handheld illuminators pointing at the windows, or even just turning on the amber corners on a vehicle a will make your illum inside more than zero percent.

    Its rare to have illum quite this bad in a US home, and this whole thing was contrived to add a fun challenge.

    4) Its easy to find yourself hanging around windows and doors that you shouldn’t, just because tunnel vision. Don’t. If you have a plan, this is less common.

    And now the story of how I got murdered in the first 5 minutes of the first run on the first house due to my own folly and never seen or heard from again:

    One of the rooms has a huge glassless window connecting it to an adjacent room. I didn’t remember this because I haven't been to this site in like 15 months. It was kinda weird because it was a garage, and there was 4-5 steps to get into the rest of the house. So the window was huge, but above eye level. No idea what purpose it once served. But I didn’t know this yet. Anyway, I made my initial entry via an unlocked side door (right side, viewed from the street) into the garage and cleared it and some sort of weird large center-fed closet. The garage was also center-fed. Ok, next? Well, the door into the house has plastic over it. Hmm. Also, it has the aforementioned steps with a railing. And there was a spider. Nah, lets go back out and try again. That part was the right choice. So I work my way around the outside again to the back. This thing has four outside entrances. Don’t forget you can clear a huge percentage of an American Dream without actually entering. I waltz in the backdoor and clear the rest of the house without doing anything particularly stupid. I worked counterclockwise, so the last room I entered was the one adjacent to the garage. It was corner fed, and the entrance I used was across from the door to the garage. OK, its clear. Thats the door to the garage... lemme go over there and double check..... wait... where’d that window come from? Already knowing that I screwed up earlier, I walked to that window and endexed. Looking out into the garage, I was like “damn.” It was the perfect ambush position.

    Learn from my mistake. Pay attention, and don’t forget to look up.

    “What’s New” button, but without GD: , courtesy of ST911.

    Disclosure: I am affiliated PRN with a tactical training center, but I speak only for myself. I have no idea what we sell, other than CLP and training. I receive no income from sale of hard goods.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Lowcountry, SC.
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    Couple days ago, we did some plate racks with PCC and pistol. What I like about “speed” plates, is that if you only allow one shot per target, it forces you to slow down and get good hits, ironically. I feel that this is the best approach. You treat each plate as a target unto itself, where you go through the same process on the third, fourth, and fifth plate that you went through for the second. Rather than just trying to hose down a horizontal array. You can get a good rhythm like this, and it is applicable any time there is more than one target, or the target moves and must be re-aquired.

    Also did Defoor Hat Qual, and the 3M drill.

    Today, I got $&@%ing ate by ticks trying to set up tracks for the dog. Also some kinda horsefly looking thing. Didn’t have any run ins with LT Dan, at least. And the black and yellow argiope (I think that’s what they are) was cool about our little encounter.

    “What’s New” button, but without GD: , courtesy of ST911.

    Disclosure: I am affiliated PRN with a tactical training center, but I speak only for myself. I have no idea what we sell, other than CLP and training. I receive no income from sale of hard goods.

  3. #3
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    Lowcountry, SC.
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    Mostly dog, paperwork, and study focused since my last post, but don’t forget to touch those double Ds; Dry-fire and Deadlifts.

    “What’s New” button, but without GD: , courtesy of ST911.

    Disclosure: I am affiliated PRN with a tactical training center, but I speak only for myself. I have no idea what we sell, other than CLP and training. I receive no income from sale of hard goods.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Lowcountry, SC.
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    This day was brought to you by the letter “S”. Sprints and stoppage drills.

    “What’s New” button, but without GD: , courtesy of ST911.

    Disclosure: I am affiliated PRN with a tactical training center, but I speak only for myself. I have no idea what we sell, other than CLP and training. I receive no income from sale of hard goods.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1168 View Post
    You can also put a small keychain sized beacon on your boot laces. You’ll be amazed at how much that helps. And it compliments your helmet light when you use it, kinda like foglights in concept. Puts the light where you need it to not trip, and you can get away with a very small signature and still see. It also reduces your signature from outside windows. Yeah, you’ll be illuminated to anyone with NODs, but its not quite as severe as if they could directly see the light source. I use a Nite Core IR strobe, but on constant instead of strobe mode.
    Interesting... do you put it on the foot of your laces facing up or on the ankle support facing forward? In helping to reduce your signature, do you then not use the IF emitter on your nods?

    In all my years doing this type of nonsense, I've never heard of this.

    Solid post.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTick View Post
    Interesting... do you put it on the foot of your laces facing up or on the ankle support facing forward? In helping to reduce your signature, do you then not use the IF emitter on your nods?

    In all my years doing this type of nonsense, I've never heard of this.

    Solid post.
    Either works to make lum non-zero. Pointing forward would probably be better, but my little lights aren’t very directional, so I don’t think it really matters. The problem with using the illuminator on my NVG is that it blasts my red dot.

    Keep in mind this was an exercise in screwing around.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I like this thread. I have to read it several more times to truly grasp it.


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