View Full Version : Iranian missiles hit US consolate in Iraq

03-12-22, 19:23
I just saw video on Facebook purporting to show Iranian cruise missiles hitting the US consolate in Erbil Iraq.

03-12-22, 19:26
This link has the video


03-12-22, 20:05
This is what happens when the current administration portrays weakness.

Perhaps we had any balls right now, this would not be happening.

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03-12-22, 20:08
The world is testing us, and Biden is in office.

Don't they know that he is "THE BIG GUY"!

03-12-22, 20:08
If early reporting bears out, I’m sure it will be Putin’s fault. :rolleyes:

Regardless, hope everyone is OK.

03-12-22, 20:21
Ever since LBJ.....who mismanaged Vietnam and the U.S. domestic front yet wasn't a foreign policy pussy.....every g-damn Democrat POTUS* has been a relatively spineless CiC.

*That term encompasses only legitimately elected individuals. :mad:

03-12-22, 20:22
It's all Trump's fault.....

This is what happens when the woke beta group of folks is in office..

03-12-22, 20:53
I'm sure potatoejoe will reward them in the nuclear negotiations if they promise not to do it again.

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03-12-22, 20:53
Maybe brandon and his generals will launch a few cruise missiles at some targets in Iran. But I hope milley will call his chinese and ruskie counterparts that we're not attacking them. After all, we have adults in the white house now.

03-12-22, 20:55

Real adults are back in the White House! Joe, who stood up to Corn Pop, will mumble something incomprehensible, and Psaki will pretend we're sanctioning Iran, and Obama will arrange for another billion dollar cash delivery, and the Iran Revolutionary Guard will laugh all the way to their dachas!


03-12-22, 23:34
Oh joy, Iran is getting frisky now.... :rolleyes:

...The attack also comes as the U.S., Iran, and other nations, continue talks in Vienna regarding the Iranian nuclear program in search of a new deal after the U.S. withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in 2018.
So, some sort of flex maybe to drive home their regional capability?

03-13-22, 05:50
The Russians has put a stop on the nuke deal with Iran, so Iran jacks up the pressure on the brain dead idiot in the White House and the marxist.

Biden has stabbed the UAE, Saudis and Israel in the back on his deal with Iran, thank G-D Putin is pissed off at the USA and is messing with the deal. No wonder the Saudis refuse to even talk to Biden. I wish Israel had the balls to answer the call from Biden, with Let's go Brandon and then hang up on him.

03-13-22, 08:52
Part of Biteme's weakness through weakness strategy!


03-13-22, 09:34
This is the country that Brandon mumbled something about buying oil from instead of Russia.


03-14-22, 10:00
So Iran is insisting that the Revolutionary Guard be removed from the list of international terrorist groups.

IRGC launches a dozen missles at or at least into the vicinity of the US Consulate in Erbil, Iraq.

Seems like a poor lobbying strategy to me. I bet Shitzizpantz decides to remove them from the list anyway though. Plus buys them more missles.

03-14-22, 10:06
Why does Biden come off like the United States is broken week and scared?

03-14-22, 11:58
Why does Biden come off like the United States is broken weak and scared?
I will take that for $500 Alex; Because Biden is weak and scared and generally has no idea what's going on until they wake him to sign something.
He hid in his basement until the election, then when it was stolen he went back to the basement sat in his mock up oval office, sat down and threw his feet upon the desk and went to sleep. He is a Potatoe.

03-14-22, 13:07
More accurately. Missiles miss u.s. Embassy.

03-14-22, 13:12
LoL, then they try to say they targeted Israeli assets. Instead of saying they fired 12 missiles and missed the US Embassy. In a effort to retaliate for the death of Qasem Soleimani.

03-14-22, 13:24
If their were two countries I wouldn’t mind seeing eradicated, one would be China, and the other Iran. Neither do any good for the world, and are nothing but a huge threat. Granted the chicoms are more of a threat, but Iran is going to be an issue until they’re dealt with harshly.

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03-14-22, 13:53
According to Brandon's administration, the US consulate was not the target. Just one more thing where they are wrong and lying, in a very long list of being wrong and lying.

03-14-22, 13:56
I will take that for $500 Alex; Because Biden is weak and scared and generally has no idea what's going on until they wake him to sign something.
He hid in his basement until the election, then when it was stolen he went back to the basement sat in his mock up oval office, sat down and threw his feet upon the desk and went to sleep. He is a Potatoe.

Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Lil' Rocket Man, etc., ect., ain't no Corn Pop. Let's Go Brandon!

03-14-22, 14:05
According to Brandon's administration, the US consulate was not the target. Just one more thing where they are wrong and lying, in a very long list of being wrong and lying.

Yep, what are you going to trust? Your Lying Eyes or your Government?


03-14-22, 14:08
Putin, Xi, Khamenei, Lil' Rocket Man, etc., ect., ain't no Corn Pop. Let's Go Brandon!

Well sheeet. Mebbie Shitzizpantz need ta open tha trunk. Break out that chain an show deez boys whas up. ;)