View Full Version : Now That We Can Relax That Our Gun Rights Are Safe (Temporarily)

Doc Safari
11-09-16, 14:40
...What will you do post election?

I plan to chill out and pay down the credit card, but just the nail-biting ride we experienced has made me want to get one more Colt M4 before any future attempt at a ban can possibly take hold.

I also plan to switch to tactical lights that use more common AA batteries, and emphasize rechargables.

I do NOT plan to sell anything off that I've accumulated, but maybe I won't hoard any more mags or ammo for a while.

What has this election's results made you want to do?

11-09-16, 14:42
I'm going to shoot.

11-09-16, 14:55
I'm done for 12 months. For new guns and lowers. I may get a few parts here and there, but the next year I'm saving and paying stuff off and buying house stuff.

11-09-16, 15:00
No such thing as relax. I plan on stocking up on ammo and pestering the NRA about doubling down on reciprocity and NFA issues.

Outlander Systems
11-09-16, 15:10
This. Strike while the iron is sizzling hot.

Start with Cruz on SCOTUS, and go for the throat.

Push our Congresscritters to end the "Sporter Clause" and for Cash-and-Carry Cans and Shorties.

No such thing as relax. I plan on stocking up on ammo and pestering the NRA about doubling down on reciprocity and NFA issues.

11-09-16, 15:20
I've been thinking the same thing...what to do now. I am counting on Trump to place 3-4 originalist SCOTUS judges on the court, as well as beef up the conservative judges on the lower courts. I believe this should alleviate attacks on 2A rights for the next decade or longer. And while I am now feeling the relief of not worrying about a cut of supply of ammo, firearms, or accessories on the horizon, I do have a few ideas I want to implement over the next couple years. I'm in my early fifties, and plan to work for another 6-10 years, but I also plan on enjoying shooting sports with my family and friends of the next 20+ years, and I want to be able to do that without dipping much into my cash down the road. So my plans are based on a very long term perspective on stocking up on quality firearms, accessories, and ammo.

11-09-16, 15:29
I'm done for 12 months. For new guns and lowers. I may get a few parts here and there, but the next year I'm saving and paying stuff off and buying house stuff.

Same here. I'm done for a while. I'll stay up on the NRA-ILA issues. I'll continue to be a loyal life member.

I've been thinking the same thing...what to do now. I am counting on Trump to place 3-4 originalist SCOTUS judges on the court, as well as beef up the conservative judges on the lower courts. I believe this should alleviate attacks on 2A rights for the next decade or longer. And while I am now feeling the relief of not worrying about a cut of supply of ammo, firearms, or accessories on the horizon, I do have a few ideas I want to implement over the next couple years. I'm in my early fifties, and plan to work for another 6-10 years, but I also plan on enjoying shooting sports with my family and friends of the next 20+ years, and I want to be able to do that without dipping much into my cash down the road. So my plans are based on a very long term perspective on stocking up on quality firearms, accessories, and ammo.

Right behind you, except I probably have 10-12 years before I can afford to retire correctly.

We will always see attacks on the 2nd amendment, but hopefully we can all exhale for a few years with no MAJOR attacks. Remember, Doomberg ain't going anywhere. He'll be baaak.

11-09-16, 15:32
I've been writing Congress critters demanding they:

-Aggressively push forward pro gun legislation and abolish any and all gun regulation and anti gun legislation from the past
-repeal Obamacare
-federally decriminalize drugs and abolish the war on drugs
-gut all of our previous trade deals and push new trade deals that benefit and put America's economy first
-pen legislation that will bring back american workers and american manufacturing
-secure all of our borders and start sending illegals back home with a swift kick in the pants
-abolish the federal reserve
-reform tort laws
-work on a federal government slashing budget and plan to aggressively pay down the national debt
-abolish all previous Presidential EO's
-Draw down from/get rid of social security

And a bunch of other stuff, but that's the main list. If they can get even a few of those done I will be a happy man.

I am absolutely not going to relax, I am going to double and triple down on getting this congress and President to work FOR us and get as much done as they can in as little time as possible!

I'm going to continue getting ready for the baby that's on the way.

I'm going to continue to shoot at least twice a month.

I'm going to continue to invite any and everyone to go shooting with me and convert as many folks as I can to the pro gun side.

And drink lots of whiskey- because whiskey is just the best.

11-09-16, 15:35
That's a good list.

...and a good plan.

I've been writing Congress critters demanding they:

-Aggressively push forward pro gun legislation and abolish any and all gun regulation and anti gun legislation from the past
-repeal Obamacare
-federally decriminalize drugs and abolish the war on drugs
-gut all of our previous trade deals and push new trade deals that benefit and put America's economy first
-pen legislation that will bring back american workers and american manufacturing
-secure all of our borders and start sending illegals back home with a swift kick in the pants
-abolish the federal reserve
-reform tort laws
-work on a federal government slashing budget and plan to aggressively pay down the national debt
-abolish all previous Presidential EO's
-Draw down from/get rid of social security

And a bunch of other stuff, but that's the main list. If they can get even a few of those done I will be a happy man.

I am absolutely not going to relax, I am going to double and triple down on getting this congress and President to work FOR us and get as much done as they can in as little time as possible!

I'm going to continue getting ready for the baby that's on the way.

I'm going to continue to shoot at least twice a month.

I'm going to continue to invite any and everyone to go shooting with me and convert as many folks as I can to the pro gun side.

And drink lots of whiskey- because whiskey is just the best.

11-09-16, 15:50
I was hoarding my ammo stash in preparation for lean times. Since it appears that is unnecessary, I have an individual I work with who wants to learn to shoot pistols. I plan on taking them to the range and teaching them the fundamentals.

11-09-16, 15:56
Enjoy life

11-09-16, 15:58
Keep calm, but and actually SHOOT lots of .22lr, watch Trump stack SCOTUS with pro-Constitution justices.



Doc Safari
11-09-16, 16:00
(The sun DID shine just a tad brighter today, didn't it?)


11-09-16, 16:02
Relaxing is why we are where we are. You think dems are relaxing now? Just gonna wait for them to take our guns? We are in a position, now is the time to charge and push foreward! Repeal nfa, full reciprocity, etc.

11-09-16, 16:03
It's nice to breath a sigh of relief.

I think I will shoot more, knowing things won't turn into a drought.

I actually have one wishlist item of a bolt action .22lr

At the end of the day if we don't do with vigilance what THCDDM4 suggests, we will basically have shot ourselves in the foot.

Get suppressors off the firearms list I mean come on.... a firearm?

11-09-16, 16:06
(The sun DID shine just a tad brighter today, didn't it?)


Even through the rain... I swear I was walking to my car, sun out, warm, and I feel this mist, not even a mist, it was so strange. Rain in the sunshine which it very rarely does here.

11-09-16, 16:07
Yes the Sun was shining today! Tomorrow morning I'm leaving town at 5am and heading to Indiana to a 10 day deer hunt. I will have a calm clear mind and will be enjoying every bit of it. The alternative would have been to endure 10 days to being in a real pissy mood. Thank God all is right in the world so far.

Doc Safari
11-09-16, 16:08
Some more music to soothe the savage breast:


Trump presidency ends liberals' dream of Supreme Court shift

Donald Trump's upset presidential election victory puts an end to dreams of a liberal U.S. Supreme Court -- for at least four years and perhaps for a generation.

Filling Scalia's seat will restore the court's previous 5-4 Republican-appointed majority. In addition, Trump will take office with three justices age 78 or older, among them arguably the court's most liberal member, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the 83-year-old justice who called Trump a "faker" during the campaign

Of course the Democrats will try to block his nominees, but if Trump is half the businessman I think he is, he will be able to get most of them through.

Bubba FAL
11-09-16, 17:33
(The sun DID shine just a tad brighter today, didn't it?)


Yep, and the sky just a little bit bluer! :-)

I plan to be a bit less miserly with my ammo stash. And push for passage of the hearing protection act.

11-09-16, 17:55
And push for passage of the hearing protection act.


Outlander Systems
11-09-16, 17:59


11-09-16, 18:13

Awesome if it happens.

Downside is I'm sure Surefire wouldn't be able to keep up with production haha.

Outlander Systems
11-09-16, 19:23
No way in hell!

$350+ Wardens!?!? Nah, fam.

I'm so ready to get a can for Christmas, but daddy needs another DBAL too.



ETA: Glad to see you're still this side of the dirt. Stay safe, broham!

Awesome if it happens.

Downside is I'm sure Surefire wouldn't be able to keep up with production haha.

11-09-16, 19:29
Teach more people how to: shoot, be safe with firearms, and sow the seeds of the next generation of freedom fighters for our second amendment.

And at a selfish level...go all out with a Kidd built custom 10-22.

11-09-16, 20:03
Our rights are never "not" under attack especially RTKBA.

Bloomberg will surely be funding state local efforts which is where they have the most success.

NOW IS THE TIME TO REPEAL THE SPORTER CLAUSE... this would solve >90% of the problems right of the bat, because it would strip the ATF of a lot of regulatory authority.

NFA needs a lot of cleaning up, silencers and SBRs... absolutely need to be cash and carry.

11-09-16, 23:33
Now is a good time to write your Representatives, Senators, Legislatures and send some money to the NRA, as they may be low (ha... ha...), after giving so much towards the winning candidate's campaign.

And consider supporting or establishing donation funded youth shooting programs at your local range.

11-10-16, 05:22
No such thing as relax.


I have not stopped since 09/2004.

Be vigilant, don't go back to sleep, hold the line from the ever present enemy. They are not going to Canada.

11-10-16, 07:27
Politically? No relaxing... Hammer as much shit through now as we can, and don't sleep on Trump either. He could be a wild card on guns. We need to set the tone early.

Financially? I can finally start devoting some money towards things I've needed whose funds would've otherwise went towards ammo. Some stuff for the Jeep, a couple lights, sling setups, some holsters, maybe a new guitar, I might finally get an iPad for toilet convenience, and I'll probably be at the bar more. Definitely will be at the bar more.

11-10-16, 09:50
I'll be paying off the cc and start focusing more on training/learning than stocking up. Have you guys heard about Trump's Second Amendment Coalition being lead by Trump Jr. and co chaired by numerous other pro 2A politicians and folks from the industry that will advise Trump and Pence on protecting the 2A? I'm pretty excited about it.


Doc Safari
11-10-16, 09:53
I'll be paying off the cc and start focusing more on training/learning than stocking up. Have you guys heard about Trump's Second Amendment Coalition being lead by Trump Jr. and co chaired by numerous other pro 2A politicians and folks from the industry that will advise Trump and Pence on protecting the 2A? I'm pretty excited about it.


This is one big reason I say we've won and we can relax....for a while.

I'm not going back to sleep by any means, but the panic of all panics isn't going to happen, and I may even sell some stuff.

Oh....and I believe there may be some adult beverages consumed in celebration at my house this weekend!

11-10-16, 10:13
You guys are missing a bigger point. Donald Jr could head the ATF....

11-10-16, 10:20
Double Post

11-10-16, 10:21
You guys are missing a bigger point. Donald Jr could head the ATF....

After seeing his interview with SilencerCo....:dance3::lol:

11-10-16, 10:30
You guys are missing a bigger point. Donald Jr could head the ATF....

What a wonderful thought..

11-10-16, 10:32
After seeing his interview with SilencerCo....:dance3::lol:

The thought makes my pants bulge...I couldn't stop grinning while watching that video :cool:

11-10-16, 11:26
Credit cards paid off first priority, then its gonna be a 249s first big purchase (no credit card).

11-10-16, 11:34
I'm just going to keep buying ammo and magazines at a slow pace. We've got a reprieve for a little while, but the war isn't over.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

11-10-16, 12:17
I'm just going to keep buying ammo and magazines at a slow pace. We've got a reprieve for a little while, but the war isn't over.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Agreed. A few more mags of each type and I'll be good for a long time. It'll be nice when iIcan once again run to walmart and grab a few boxes of ammo at a time though. I think we just got a four year break, time to make the most of it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-10-16, 12:29
I am going to slow my lower, ammo and mag purchases and switch to high end optics, and precision uppers/rifles.

11-10-16, 12:36
Don't think that the public school systems, teachers' unions, colleges, etc. are going to dial back their indoctrination of kids. The "long march" through the institutions continues. Everyone here is getting older every day and they're focussed on those who will eventually replace us...

The goal is a docile, easily diverted populace that will sell their inheritance without a second thought. And they're pretty good at what they do.

"That old ball keeps on bouncing."