View Full Version : Have you contacted your elected officials today?

03-07-13, 08:38

This thread is going to be a reminder for people to contact your elected officials and let them know that they need to support the 2nd Amendment, and the rights of their constituents. I hope that many people subscribe to this thread and get notifications in their email reminding them to send a quick email daily to their politicians. Without constant contact with our politicians, the battle for gun rights in American society is going to be a losing one for us.

Here are 3 ways you can make easy contact with your elected officials:

If you want to do it through the NRA, http://www.nraila.org/get-involved-locally/grassroots/write-your-reps.aspx
If you want to do it on your own, http://www.usa.gov/Contact/Elected.shtml
Ruger has also set up a nice automated process, http://www.ruger.com/micros/advocacy/takeAction.html

Please consider making this a part of your daily routine, just because "gun violence" and "assault weapons" aren't the only issue being talked about on the news this week, doesn't mean we've won the battle for protecting our rights. All over the country new state level legislation is being introduced along with hugely restrictive federal legislation. This is every responsible gun owner's burden.

03-07-13, 13:48
I contacted my senator, Richard Burr, and expressed my deep disappointment at the fact that he was not present on the Senate floor for Rand Paul's filibuster...and rather was out cheesing with the Occupier in Chief.

03-07-13, 16:07
I encourage you to keep doing it daily and stay subscribed to this thread, try to get others to join in.

03-07-13, 16:29
Redundant thread.
