View Full Version : I'm SOOO Glad There Wasn't An Internet When I Was A Kid...

02-22-13, 23:56
Photos of nude teen girls linked to Cypress Bay High School (http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/02/22/3247763/photos-of-nude-teen-girls-linked.html)

Kids do a lot of dumb shit around this age. Bad enough when the stories go around a single school or neighborhood. I think of all the dumb shit I did around that age and I'm glad we didn't have anything like Youtube, smart phones or twitter.

The internet is pretty much forever and I'd hate to be the parents of one of these girls.

Weston’s Cypress Bay High School is a hot topic on Twitter Friday morning, with students abuzz about a website that contains numerous nude, sexually explicit photos of teenage girls.

The girls, listed by name, are identified as Cypress Bay students.

Broward Schools spokeswoman Tracy Clark said she could not confirm whether the photos are Cypress Bay students, and referred further questions to the Broward Sheriff’s Office.

“BSO is handling the investigation,” Clark said. “It’s an active criminal investigation right now.”

02-23-13, 00:05
And the only lesson the kids learn from this stuff is to pass the buck and blame someone else. And of course the parents don't help cause who wants to believe there child is starved for attention

02-23-13, 00:34
Don't blame the tool blame the abuser....just like guns.

I grew up the internet age, and this is just another tool of attention whores and idiots to create drama.

I grew up a lot the day this one chick told me her goal as a freshman in HS was to lose her virginity, and she did it. Had no shame and didn't care who it was with. No not with me.

02-23-13, 00:45

I've been on Cracked.com all day again, sorry guys.

There are times the internet is used for good. :cool:

02-23-13, 00:48
There wasn't an internet, but there were things called BBSs for those that remember (Bulletin Board System). It was usually a modem to modem, straight calling someone else's computer up and posting some shit, and then at a given time it would upload and download a packet of posts. They were the first online forums. My dad bought a TRS-80 when I was three - it ran programs off of a cassette deck. 300 baud... FTW... So.. needless to say, I was corrupted at an early age. :D

02-23-13, 00:55
There wasn't an internet, but there were things called BBSs for those that remember (Bulletin Board System). It was usually a modem to modem, straight calling someone else's computer up and posting some shit, and then at a given time it would upload and download a packet of posts. They were the first online forums. My dad bought a TRS-80 when I was three - it ran programs off of a cassette deck. 300 baud... FTW... So.. needless to say, I was corrupted at an early age. :D

Yes, but how to you get porn on it?

02-23-13, 01:04
These kids shouldn't even have phones unless they can pay for it themselves. Parents need to stop spoiling their damn kids. Not to mention those girls are sluts. Act like a slut and send nudes of yourself, you deserve any outcome after you hit that send button. I have no sympathy for them at all. Parents need to learn how to instill discipline, provide direction, give mentorship and set solid boundaries with a good set of values. They did that, crap like this would be few and far inbetween. A good ass whooping never hurt either. Plus limiting their exposure to this brainwashing machine hollywood has become.

02-23-13, 01:23
These kids shouldn't even have phones unless they can pay for it themselves. Parents need to stop spoiling their damn kids. Not to mention those girls are sluts. Act like a slut and send nudes of yourself, you deserve any outcome after you hit that send button. I have no sympathy for them at all. Parents need to learn how to instill discipline, provide direction, give mentorship and set solid boundaries with a good set of values. They did that, crap like this would be few and far inbetween. A good ass whooping never hurt either. Plus limiting their exposure to this brainwashing machine hollywood has become.

The internet only makes access to what has been going on easier.

There are other uses like a kid with after school activities letting their parent know when they are done. Going to make your kid pay to let you know when they are done?

An ass whooping is illegal, and has been for over a decade. I will be 30 this year, and almost got placed in my aunt's home because when I was in middle school my mom got a call saying my older sister was absent from school. She was 16 and just started driving. My mom called the school, and said my sister left that morning to go to class. The lady said she was probably skipping, and probably at the Denny's because that's where all the kids go to skip class. My mom went there, found my sister, slapped her, and returned her to the school. She had a red mark on her cheek, and my mom was arrested thus resulting in almost being sent to my aunt's house. The police came to my school to talk to me, and started asking questions if I was abused...lmao. My mom ended up losing her 2A rights, and had a criminal record over an 'ass whooping'. I have also printed off the Texas State Attorney Generals guidance on parental punishment, and had people rip it up saying I would get charged anyways.

You're from a time when parents could punish their kids. Not anymore. We had an incident this week with one of my twins, and another kid called him stupid and a plethora of cuss words. This kids punishment? A few minutes in timeout in the class which is a joke. No one can punish kids anymore.

02-23-13, 01:33
These kids shouldn't even have phones unless they can pay for it themselves. Parents need to stop spoiling their damn kids. Not to mention those girls are sluts. Act like a slut and send nudes of yourself, you deserve any outcome after you hit that send button. I have no sympathy for them at all. Parents need to learn how to instill discipline, provide direction, give mentorship and set solid boundaries with a good set of values. They did that, crap like this would be few and far inbetween. A good ass whooping never hurt either. Plus limiting their exposure to this brainwashing machine hollywood has become.

Despite my parents best efforts I lost my virginity at 13 and my gf was 14. Her parents had no idea for almost an entire year. I wouldn't consider either of us "bad kids." She actually got better grades than I did. I just really, really, really liked girls.

Now I will give you your point that some of these girls really might be Jerry Springer candidates, but I don't know that we can make that assumption in every case. I just don't see sex as automatically a bad thing or that it makes a kid a bad kid.

02-23-13, 01:35
The internet only makes access to what has been going on easier.

There are other uses like a kid with after school activities letting their parent know when they are done. Going to make your kid pay to let you know when they are done?

An ass whooping is illegal, and has been for over a decade. I will be 30 this year, and almost got placed in my aunt's home because when I was in middle school my mom got a call saying my older sister was absent from school. She was 16 and just started driving. My mom called the school, and said my sister left that morning to go to class. The lady said she was probably skipping, and probably at the Denny's because that's where all the kids go to skip class. My mom went there, found my sister, slapped her, and returned her to the school. She had a red mark on her cheek, and my mom was arrested thus resulting in almost being sent to my aunt's house. The police came to my school to talk to me, and started asking questions if I was abused...lmao. My mom ended up losing her 2A rights, and had a criminal record over an 'ass whooping'. I have also printed off the Texas State Attorney Generals guidance on parental punishment, and had people rip it up saying I would get charged anyways.

You're from a time when parents could punish their kids. Not anymore. We had an incident this week with one of my twins, and another kid called him stupid and a plethora of cuss words. This kids punishment? A few minutes in timeout in the class which is a joke. No one can punish kids anymore.

Just because it makes access more avaliable doesn't mean they need it. Kids don't need a cell phone period. If they need to get ahold of their parents or anyone, there are places with phones. As far as extra curricular or after school activities, parents should have accountability of their kids. If they want a cell phone, xbox, computer, car, they should pay for it themselves. I know an ass whooping is illegal but it doesn't mean kids don't need it. I am 24, I got put in my place when it was needed. I could care less about being politically correct. Kids need an ass whooping from time to time. As for the topic of the thread, those girls should of known better.

02-23-13, 01:39
The internet only makes access to what has been going on easier.

I think this about sums it up

I can remember back when I went to my first duty assignment in po'dunk louisiana and the most popular dancers at the strip club were the high school senior girls

02-23-13, 01:40
Just because it makes access more avaliable doesn't mean they need it. Kids don't need a cell phone period. If they need to get ahold of their parents or anyone, there are places with phones. As far as extra curricular or after school activities, parents should have accountability of their kids. If they want a cell phone, xbox, computer, car, they should pay for it themselves. I know an ass whooping is illegal but it doesn't mean kids don't need it. I am 24, I got put in my place when it was needed. I could care less about being politically correct. Kids need an ass whooping from time to time. As for the topic of the thread, those girls should of known better.

Knowing better can be a "learning process" and sometimes has a steep curve. I got lucky that nothing bad happened when I did some things that I'd later know better about.

02-23-13, 01:42
Despite my parents best efforts I lost my virginity at 13 and my gf was 14. Her parents had no idea for almost an entire year. I wouldn't consider either of us "bad kids." She actually got better grades than I did. I just really, really, really liked girls.

Now I will give you your point that some of these girls really might be Jerry Springer candidates, but I don't know that we can make that assumption in every case. I just don't see sex as automatically a bad thing or that it makes a kid a bad kid.

Sex is not bad, but 17 year old girls don't need to be sending naked photos of themselves out in numbers enough to build a website out of them. Anything younger than 16-17 is too young in my book. Older then that fine, use protection and be safe. Multipul partners and sending nudes all over the place is a slut, male or female, and things like the original post happen it is because of their actions and lack of responsibility. You want to have sex at 17, you better be able to handle that reponsibility. These girls failed.

Knowing better can be a "learning process" and sometimes has a steep curve. I got lucky that nothing bad happened when I did some things that I'd later know better about.

This is true as well.

02-23-13, 01:47
Just because it makes access more avaliable doesn't mean they need it. Kids don't need a cell phone period. If they need to get ahold of their parents or anyone, there are places with phones. As far as extra curricular or after school activities, parents should have accountability of their kids. If they want a cell phone, xbox, computer, car, they should pay for it themselves. I know an ass whooping is illegal but it doesn't mean kids don't need it. I am 24, I got put in my place when it was needed. I could care less about being politically correct. Kids need an ass whooping from time to time. As for the topic of the thread, those girls should of known better.

So....what? No internet til 18? You're being vague.

Most times kids phones is becuase the parents want to contact them. Not the other way around.

Pay phones? Have seen maybe 2 in years. I grew up with them all over the place. I actually can't even think of a single one I know of around here. They don't exist anymore.

You can care less all you want about not being PC. My mom said the same thing thing and lost her rights, and that was over a decade ago!

Good luck with your thinking.

02-23-13, 01:51
I think I was fifteen when I first got laid (and so was she). It would never have crossed our minds to take snapshots or a polaroid of ourselves doing anything, much less showing them to anyone else.

Personal privacy seems such an antiquated concept these days. At least for some.

02-23-13, 01:54
So....what? No internet til 18? You're being vague.

Most times kids phones is becuase the parents want to contact them. Not the other way around.

Pay phones? Have seen maybe 2 in years. I grew up with them all over the place. I actually can't even think of a single one I know of around here. They don't exist anymore.

You can care less all you want about not being PC. My mom said the same thing thing and lost her rights, and that was over a decade ago!

Good luck with your thinking.

No I didn't say 18. What makes you think they need internet either? It is a priviledge, not a right. They do NOT need it. I didn't say pay phones. How do you think they did it before cell phones? Parents kids would be with their friends doing whatever, go to their friends house and use the phone there. Extra cirricular and after school activities usely are at buildings with supervising adults, they will have phones there to use whenever they are done. Who said I would give my kid an ass whooping? I never did, I was stating that they need them. The problem is political correct non-sense has rid ass whipping from the unwritten book of raising children. Don't mix the two up. Ass whooping is not to be confused with abuse.

02-23-13, 01:55
I think I was fifteen when I first got laid (and so was she). It would never have crossed our minds to take snapshots or a polaroid of ourselves doing anything, much less showing them to anyone else.

Personal privacy seems such an antiquated concept these days. At least for some.

Exactly. What ever happened to the old saying "don't kiss and tell"? I don't know about anyone else but personal matters like sex should be kept between those involved. Not broadcasted.

02-23-13, 02:00
If you're uptight about a kid abusing their cell phone, how tough is it to limit who they can call? No text messaging and the only outgoing numbers are mom, dad, home, and 911.

02-23-13, 02:10
No I didn't say 18. What makes you think they need internet either? It is a priviledge, not a right. They do NOT need it. I didn't say pay phones. How do you think they did it before cell phones? Parents kids would be with their friends doing whatever, go to their friends house and use the phone there. Extra cirricular and after school activities usely are at buildings with supervising adults, they will have phones there to use whenever they are done.

Then what is the magical age when having a cell phone is permissible? Internet?

The cell phone and internet are two of the best and most convenient modern technologies we use everyday for a plethora of reasons, but you want teenagers to be stuck in the pre 2000's technology because you think they are "spoiled"? A basic mobile phone and a home internet connection access are far from being "spoiled".

02-23-13, 02:18
I think I was fifteen when I first got laid (and so was she). It would never have crossed our minds to take snapshots or a polaroid of ourselves doing anything, much less showing them to anyone else.

Personal privacy seems such an antiquated concept these days. At least for some.

Most are not. Its just that the internet makes access to this stuff seem like stuff happens way more.

Just like violent crime is way down even after the the AWB expired...yet the internet and modern news makes it sound like we have way more crime than ever.

02-23-13, 02:18
Sex is not bad, but 17 year old girls don't need to be sending naked photos of themselves out in numbers enough to build a website out of them. Anything younger than 16-17 is too young in my book. Older then that fine, use protection and be safe. Multipul partners and sending nudes all over the place is a slut, male or female, and things like the original post happen it is because of their actions and lack of responsibility. You want to have sex at 17, you better be able to handle that reponsibility. These girls failed.

No argument there. And I was trying my hardest to be kinda slutty. Again, I'm just glad the technology didn't exist when I was a kid. We'd have sent pictures to everyone just to prove we were actually getting laid. It required actual effort and skill back then.

02-23-13, 02:20
If you're uptight about a kid abusing their cell phone, how tough is it to limit who they can call? No text messaging and the only outgoing numbers are mom, dad, home, and 911.

It's not. I just don't believe they need one. It is not a nessesary essential. I believe if they want one, get a job and make the payments themselves. When my son is older I will not pay for him to have a cell phone. He wants to use the internet he better have completed his chores. He wants his own tv, xbox, laptop, quad, bike, anything like that, he will earn it and/or pay for it. Parents nowadays just hand their kids things and they never learn the value of them, never learn what it means to work for and truly earn something. The feeling of earning something is much sweeter than being given something. It is the true prize rather than the goods paid for with the profit.

02-23-13, 02:22
No I didn't say 18. What makes you think they need internet either? It is a priviledge, not a right. They do NOT need it. I didn't say pay phones. How do you think they did it before cell phones? Parents kids would be with their friends doing whatever, go to their friends house and use the phone there. Extra cirricular and after school activities usely are at buildings with supervising adults, they will have phones there to use whenever they are done. Who said I would give my kid an ass whooping? I never did, I was stating that they need them. The problem is political correct non-sense has rid ass whipping from the unwritten book of raising children. Don't mix the two up. Ass whooping is not to be confused with abuse.

I am not sure where you are going with your rants but if a kid today isn't well versed in internet stuff by 18 they are well behind the curve. Most places now don't even accept paper applications anymore.

We had payphones at my school. Thats what you used if you didn't have a cell phone, and it's rude to expect to use other people's cell phones. A team of 15 kids, and you think someone there should hand out there personal cell to 15 kids everyday to say practice is over come pick me up?

We don't have a home phone. My 6 year old twins will grow up in a house without a home phone. We haven't had one for like 3 years now.

02-23-13, 02:25
No argument there. And I was trying my hardest to be kinda slutty. Again, I'm just glad the technology didn't exist when I was a kid. We'd have sent pictures to everyone just to prove we were actually getting laid. It required actual effort and skill back then.

It existed when I was that age, and I can't recall a single incident of it that I personally knew of.

This is as overblown as banning AR15's because a few nuts use them in shootings.

02-23-13, 02:28
thats what I wonder what is the real ratio of kids that do this to those that do not ?

I know some have it happen to them by being setup ? but have to wonder how many that is for real ?

we had some folks do stupid stuff instead of doing this but like said it was not down for ever unless someone took a pic and usually buy now they are gone since there was one copy ? and the negs were lost

Don't blame the tool blame the abuser....just like guns.

I grew up the internet age, and this is just another tool of attention whores and idiots to create drama.

I grew up a lot the day this one chick told me her goal as a freshman in HS was to lose her virginity, and she did it. Had no shame and didn't care who it was with. No not with me.

02-23-13, 02:28
I am not sure where you are going with your rants but if a kid today isn't well versed in internet stuff by 18 they are well behind the curve. Most places now don't even accept paper applications anymore.

We had payphones at my school. Thats what you used if you didn't have a cell phone, and it's rude to expect to use other people's cell phones. A team of 15 kids, and you think someone there should hand out there personal cell to 15 kids everyday to say practice is over come pick me up?

We don't have a home phone. My 6 year old twins will grow up in a house without a home phone. We haven't had one for like 3 years now.

I am saying they need to work for or pay for it. Plain and simple. I am not saying they can't have access to it. What school doesn't have a landline? Tell me that one. There are offices, teachers, parents, supervisors all around at any place a kid would be at for extra cirricular activies like sports practices, clubs, any of the sort. Those places will have landlines, phones they can use if needed. They are not going to be out in the middle of no where with 15 other kids practicing for next fridays game.

02-23-13, 02:33
I am saying they need to work for or pay for it. Plain and simple. I am not saying they can't have access to it. What school doesn't have a landline? Tell me that one. There are offices, teachers, parents, supervisors all around at any place a kid would be at for extra cirricular activies like sports practices, clubs, any of the sort. Those places will have landlines, phones they can use if needed. They are not going to be out in the middle of no where with 15 other kids practicing for next fridays game.

Maybe other places are different but I was never allowed to use school phones to call home. They are certainly not going to line up an entire sports team to call parents.

Most parents get their kids phones so they can get ahold of their kids...like I said its not the other way around.

02-23-13, 02:52
Maybe other places are different but I was never allowed to use school phones to call home. They are certainly not going to line up an entire sports team to call parents.

Most parents get their kids phones so they can get ahold of their kids...like I said its not the other way around.

I don't know the school you went to but they can't deny a kid from calling their parents and why the hell would they? Does not make any sense.

If they are done with whatever they are doing they can walk their happy ass home if their parents didn't bother to be there the time they were scheduled to be done. If they are going somewhere with a friend the parents should set a time hack for them.

Cell phones have become a want in disguise of a need because this downward spiral of a culture has emplaced a false sense of need for them as well as materialism.

I don't know about you but surfing porn sites, bootlegging music and an addiction to social media isn't relevant to a job (which is what 99% of kids do with computers). Most jobs require knowledge of word, excel, powerpoint, photoshop, acrobat etc. When was the last time you seen a kid teaching themselves how to use those programs themselves? Never unless they were made to or have a passion for computers. Most schools teach kids how to use computers anyway. Again they DON'T need internet. It is a privilege. If they want it, earn it.

The whole point is kids should earn these things or pay for it themselves, not be handed to them at will. I am not talking "sheltering" them, I am talking make them learn the value of things by earning them. They will respect whatever it is much more.

02-23-13, 03:05
I lived 20 minues from my HS by car, and that is on rural roads with 55 mph speed limits. Walk home? Nope.

I am not sure what world you live in but cell phones are 100% needed today for an adult. My wife's job requires one, and the the job before that paid us $60 a month for her to have one. My job requires one to have the job, and they don't even pay for it. All were applied for online, and they don't accept paper resumes or applications.

Kids do earn it if you want them to. As I said my kids are 6, and they are putting away groceries, helping bringing them in, cleaning their rooms, putting their clothes in the dirty laundry, putting clean clothes away, taking care of our cat, doing homework, ect. Thats how they earn stuff, and when they are older they can take more responsibility like doing all their own laundry, privileges come with good grades, and they can lose stuff if a poor grade is worth it to them.

We had over 500 people in my graduating class. School phones were not for students. They put in pay phones for students. Thats how it was.

02-23-13, 03:13
I lived 20 minues from my HS by car, and that is on rural roads with 55 mph speed limits. Walk home? Nope.

I am not sure what world you live in but cell phones are 100% needed today for an adult. My wife's job requires one, and the the job before that paid us $60 a month for her to have one. My job requires one to have the job, and they don't even pay for it. All were applied for online, and they don't accept paper resumes or applications.

Any kids that far from where they need to be, their parents should be tracking start and end times.

I never said for adults. I was talking about kids.

As far as resumes submitted online, that has nothing to do with surfing the internet. Like I said about job required knowledge of programs, you think a kid is going to be writing and submitting resumes unless made to? Chances are not.

They want anything other than what is absolutely needed, earn it or pay for it.

02-23-13, 03:28
Any kids that far from where they need to be, their parents should be tracking start and end times.

I never said for adults. I was talking about kids.

As far as resumes submitted online, my last post covers that as well.

They want anything other than what is absolutely needed, earn it or pay for it.

You missed my point. Kids earn stuff by doing stuff around the house. That is them getting used to working, and as they get older they graduate to doing more and getting more. Your job as a parent is to prepare them to be adults.

Making them 'pay' as in $$$ is putting the chicken before the egg. If you provide that stuff, like a phone and internet, and they abuse it or don't use it to graduate up into higher stuff then you can take corrective action.

I for one am very glad we started using computers and were using the internet at an early age.

This may cause you a stroke but my kids already have a Tab 2, and guess what? They get to use it after they do their chores, and aside from things like vacuuming they clean their room, they hang up and put away their clean clothes, and all the other things I already mentioned.

They had us on computers in 1st grade, and am thankful for it. I want to immerse my kids in technology, and get them used to how things work as early as possible. At the same time we have people tell us all the time how great they are, how polite they are, and their teachers joke with us that at the end of the year they are taking them home with them. I grew up in a fairly easy going household, and me getting my DL was blessing for my parents.

Sounds like you are more authoritarian, if you were one of my parents it would have been a miserable time for both of us. Im stubborn enough I would drive you up the wall, and have a smile on my face.

02-23-13, 04:06
Sweet bejeezus . . .

Smoking hot female 20 and 30 something teachers "sexually assaulting" male students. High school girls sending naked cell phone pics out for spank bank usage.

WELL IN THE HELL WHERE THEY WHEN I WAS IN SCHOOL?!?!? http://www.websmileys.com/sm/sad/533.gif

02-23-13, 04:19
You missed my point. Kids earn stuff by doing stuff around the house. That is them getting used to working, and as they get older they graduate to doing more and getting more. Your job as a parent is to prepare them to be adults.

Making them 'pay' as in $$$ is putting the chicken before the egg. If you provide that stuff, like a phone and internet, and they abuse it or don't use it to graduate up into higher stuff then you can take corrective action.

I for one am very glad we started using computers and were using the internet at an early age.

This may cause you a stroke but my kids already have a Tab 2, and guess what? They get to use it after they do their chores, and aside from things like vacuuming they clean their room, they hang up and put away their clean clothes, and all the other things I already mentioned.

They had us on computers in 1st grade, and am thankful for it. I want to immerse my kids in technology, and get them used to how things work as early as possible. At the same time we have people tell us all the time how great they are, how polite they are, and their teachers joke with us that at the end of the year they are taking them home with them. I grew up in a fairly easy going household, and me getting my DL was blessing for my parents.

Sounds like you are more authoritarian, if you were one of my parents it would have been a miserable time for both of us. Im stubborn enough I would drive you up the wall, and have a smile on my face.

You still are not understanding. This is the last time I am saying this, you don't understand after that then I don't know what to tell you.

I am saying they will not get any of that in the first place unless they earn or work for it. Like you said by chores while young and chores/job as they get older. They will not be given them initially and then corrective action taken later if misused. They will earn things like that before hand. They will be tought manners, how to do things on their own, how to work on things to fix them, cook, clean and so on. As far as tablets, phones, ipads, ipods, mp3 players, that stuff will be paid for by themselves. A computer they can earn. Clothes, shoes, those things will be bought for them until they are old enough to earn/buy what they want. Soon as they are old enough to work a washer and dryer, they will do their own laundry. They will be told to go outside and play vs. sit on a damn computer surfing facebook or screaming at a tv playing xbox. They will be tought if they want something, earn it or work for it. It will be implimented in incriments as they get older. They will not be given things unless it is a special occasion. Now this is referring to pre-teen - teen years, not like when they are 3, 4 or 5. When they are children then it is all based off behavior and needs.

The only person on this planet that can drive me up the wall is my soon to be ex-wife.

Sweet bejeezus . . .

Smoking hot female 20 and 30 something teachers "sexually assaulting" male students. High school girls sending naked cell phone pics out for spank bank usage.

WELL IN THE HELL WHERE THEY WHEN I WAS IN SCHOOL?!?!? http://www.websmileys.com/sm/sad/533.gif


02-23-13, 06:50
This thread does not deliver. LOL

02-23-13, 08:09
WELL IN THE HELL WHERE THEY WHEN I WAS IN SCHOOL?!?!? http://www.websmileys.com/sm/sad/533.gif

Much less prevelant in society...

02-23-13, 08:18
Belmont at some point you have to draw a sensible line and never forget it can damn well be done. Finding absolutely no fault with the readily available filth in today's society being absorbed in multiple venues by the impressionable and often unguided is blatantly ludicrous.

And stop comparing guns to music and the rampant sex and violence. There is no valid argument to be presented between the two. I agree with and respect your desire to be left alone, but everybody ain't you so wake up.

02-23-13, 08:24
Sounds like you are more authoritarian, if you were one of my parents it would have been a miserable time for both of us. Im stubborn enough I would drive you up the wall, and have a smile on my face.

Is the fundamental parent-child relationship supposed to be something other than authoritarian? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for compassion. But do you run your household like a democracy or see your child as an equal in important decision making?

I'm with Endur on this one - 100%.

For those of you thinking that 16 or 17 is an acceptable age for teen to experiment with sex, do you feel this way if it was your daughter "getting laid?" I'm not oblivious that it happens. I just don't see it as something that should be seen as good or acceptable. When parents stop pushing this issue, it becomes socially acceptable. Once acceptable, it becomes common place. Then, kids start publishing their exploits and the Internet is the new bathroom stall to record the escapades...

02-23-13, 11:32
Then what is the magical age when having a cell phone is permissible? Internet?

The cell phone and internet are two of the best and most convenient modern technologies we use everyday for a plethora of reasons, but you want teenagers to be stuck in the pre 2000's technology because you think they are "spoiled"? A basic mobile phone and a home internet connection access are far from being "spoiled".

Agreed. For his birthday my 9 year old got a new iTouch, one of which he has asked for the past two years. Did he need it? No. Have I taken risks by giving it to him since it can go online at home? Yes. Is he spoiled specifically for having it? Not by a long shot.

It was a calculated decision, one of which I can't honestly say I am 100% comfortable with. He knows that the wrong things can inadvertently appear on the screen but also knows to excersise a reasonable degree of caution and that I or his mom can check to see what he has been looking at. He mostly uses it to watch instructional video-game related clips on youtube, to play games and send me emails and pictures he took while at mom's. An he knows how to have a question answered via google, which will come in handy for schoolwork and such. So far so good, but he's only 9.

What I will be dealing with at 12 or 15 remains to be seen, but regardless we go forth because I am there to oversee and I care enough to do it in a discreet way. Far too many parents don't and as a result their children have the ability at will to take in images that they are mentally unprepared to deal with. For many this can surely lead to confusion and eventual behavorial issues. Doesn't mean I'll be forever immune, just that I've reduced the odds and set boundries.

The answers aren't well defined yet, but bottom line is that without sensible boundries we end up with more of this via our new technologies and crappy media:


It doesn't matter anymore that someone like Belmont is a great parent, of which he surely is. What matters is that much of what is around us has become infested and despite how diligent any of us here are many in this country need to be put on a leash or they will cross yards and bite you.

02-23-13, 13:33
This thread does not deliver. LOL

Given that many of them could be under 18, this thread won't be delivering any time soon.

02-23-13, 14:16
Back in my day, everything was good and nothing was bad. I blame those damned liberals of course.

sent from mah gun,using my sights

02-23-13, 15:33
parental controls and also go on and see what he has been doing and viewing with it ?
easy also to lock the hours of internet use if you want etc...

my girl is 8 almost 9 uses our ipad but we monitor it when she is using it for researching homework etc.. most of the games she plays are bot online style ones
our little 4 year old also uses it but most all the games are teaching type ones math and spelling etc.. :)

I do worry about what can pop up though ! so keep the stuff buttoned down pretty tight on the search engines and such with controls :)

Agreed. For his birthday my 9 year old got a new iTouch, one of which he has asked for the past two years. Did he need it? No. Have I taken risks by giving it to him since it can go online at home? Yes. Is he spoiled specifically for having it? Not by a long shot.

It was a calculated decision, one of which I can't honestly say I am 100% comfortable with. He knows that the wrong things can inadvertently appear on the screen but also knows to excersise a reasonable degree of caution and that I or his mom can check to see what he has been looking at. He mostly uses it to watch instructional video-game related clips on youtube, to play games and send me emails and pictures he took while at mom's. An he knows how to have a question answered via google, which will come in handy for schoolwork and such. So far so good, but he's only 9.

What I will be dealing with at 12 or 15 remains to be seen, but regardless we go forth because I am there to oversee and I care enough to do it in a discreet way. Far too many parents don't and as a result their children have the ability at will to take in images that they are mentally unprepared to deal with. For many this can surely lead to confusion and eventual behavorial issues. Doesn't mean I'll be forever immune, just that I've reduced the odds and set boundries.

The answers aren't well defined yet, but bottom line is that without sensible boundries we end up with more of this via our new technologies and crappy media:


It doesn't matter anymore that someone like Belmont is a great parent, of which he surely is. What matters is that much of what is around us has become infested and despite how diligent any of us here are many in this country need to be put on a leash or they will cross yards and bite you.

02-23-13, 15:38
we used to make crabs fight
sometimes we would use firecrackers on things we maybe should not have :)
shot up a lot of cans and such
dad trusted us to go out on our own at 16 with a 22 no problem

remember taking M80s and blowing up these heavy metal bowls into the air they went insane high in the air !! my dad thought it was pretty cool

I remember going out with my dad and he would be drifting around corners in his cars and such on back roads when I was a kid :)

a few times I remember passing him the other way I was on a super bike going about 100+ he was in some sports car doing the same just a wave and a grin :)

maybe I was lucky my dad was a pretty cool guy about things AirForce fighter pilot got into racing cars and such so was always for adventure

I do miss the no internet no worries about wanting to check emails or see whats going on just go play and ride motorcycles all day etc.. or go swimming all day out on the boat etc..
no cell phones nothing !

again Karma and balance I guess ?

02-23-13, 16:16
Is the fundamental parent-child relationship supposed to be something other than authoritarian? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for compassion. But do you run your household like a democracy or see your child as an equal in important decision making?

I'm with Endur on this one - 100%.

I don't think he is meaning authoritarian in the sense of "family decision making". I think he is meaning authoritarian in that he will essentially make a life for his child unlike 90% of his child's peers.

I think the fundamental question here is what defines "spoiled". Since a cell phone has become a almost fundamental part of modern life for a variety of reasons, it has become less and less of a "option" and more of a "essential". Unlike xbox's, play stations, laptops, etc, which are mostly "wants", a cell phone has increasingly become a "need" for most. I do not see a parent proving a basic [read: cheap] cell phone with a $40 a month plan as being "spoiled". If the kid wants a smart phone that costs more money and will inherently have a higher monthly rate, then I could see more of the reason to require the child to buy it on his or her own with money that they earned.

To argue that 14,15,16,17 year olds have absolutely no "need" for a cell phone in 2013 is preposterous.

For expensive gifts like Xbox's, laptops, etc; I think they are best reserved for Christmas gifts or birthday presents. Or, in some cases, rewards for exceptional grades.

I don't think its wrong to encourage your kid to make his or her own money to buy things they want. But to not give them anything that is a "want" in order to make them learn how to "earn" something is a little too much IMO.

02-23-13, 16:43
Then, kids start publishing their exploits and the Internet is the new bathroom stall to record the escapades...

Spot on analogy.

My wife and I do not have any children yet, shit like this it what makes me cringe on bringing any into the world. My hat is off to you gents who are fathers here.

02-23-13, 21:55
Belmont at some point you have to draw a sensible line and never forget it can damn well be done. Finding absolutely no fault with the readily available filth in today's society being absorbed in multiple venues by the impressionable and often unguided is blatantly ludicrous.

And stop comparing guns to music and the rampant sex and violence. There is no valid argument to be presented between the two. I agree with and respect your desire to be left alone, but everybody ain't you so wake up.

The average age of females giving birth is going up, and violent crime is going down. The reason people overact to sex and violence is the greater access to 'news' of it.

02-23-13, 22:01
Is the fundamental parent-child relationship supposed to be something other than authoritarian? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for compassion. But do you run your household like a democracy or see your child as an equal in important decision making?

I'm with Endur on this one - 100%.

For those of you thinking that 16 or 17 is an acceptable age for teen to experiment with sex, do you feel this way if it was your daughter "getting laid?" I'm not oblivious that it happens. I just don't see it as something that should be seen as good or acceptable. When parents stop pushing this issue, it becomes socially acceptable. Once acceptable, it becomes common place. Then, kids start publishing their exploits and the Internet is the new bathroom stall to record the escapades...

Yes the parents set the bottom line but that doesn't mean you can't work with your kids on things, and every kid is different.

I don't think its 'acceptable' but I would rather my kids be educated, and not left in the dark or where they can't feel like they can come to me or their mother on things. I've known people who were locked down tight, and one girl was 17 years old and didn't even know how to pay for or pump gas.

My SIL is 18, and since her step dad was older and not very involved I tried to fulfil the a younger but father figure role when it came to sex, and she still ended up doing stuff at 16 but I still think I made an impact on her, and Im not going to get into details of her life but if you realize you can't stop it I at least hope to educate on how things really work.

02-23-13, 22:05
I don't think he is meaning authoritarian in the sense of "family decision making". I think he is meaning authoritarian in that he will essentially make a life for his child unlike 90% of his child's peers.

I think the fundamental question here is what defines "spoiled". Since a cell phone has become a almost fundamental part of modern life for a variety of reasons, it has become less and less of a "option" and more of a "essential". Unlike xbox's, play stations, laptops, etc, which are mostly "wants", a cell phone has increasingly become a "need" for most. I do not see a parent proving a basic [read: cheap] cell phone with a $40 a month plan as being "spoiled". If the kid wants a smart phone that costs more money and will inherently have a higher monthly rate, then I could see more of the reason to require the child to buy it on his or her own with money that they earned.

To argue that 14,15,16,17 year olds have absolutely no "need" for a cell phone in 2013 is preposterous.

For expensive gifts like Xbox's, laptops, etc; I think they are best reserved for Christmas gifts or birthday presents. Or, in some cases, rewards for exceptional grades.

I don't think its wrong to encourage your kid to make his or her own money to buy things they want. But to not give them anything that is a "want" in order to make them learn how to "earn" something is a little too much IMO.

My kids 'earn' things through chores, doing good in school, and being respectful little boys. They are six. They can't pay for a PS3 or tablet. I see exposing them to the technology as giving them a leg up on their peers.

The authoritarian comment was meant as in parents who so severely restrict their kids exposure to the real world they are turned loose without the social skills and experience needed to perform in life and provide for themselves....or otherwise being so strict kids aren't 'learned' in a variety of topics you really have to go through to be an 'adult'.

02-23-13, 22:37
My son will not have a ps3, xbox or some tablet at 6. He will be outside with other kids like a kid should be. If he is at home he will be helping work on cars, fix things around the house as well as being taught numerous other things. He will not be sitting at some computer surfing the internet or playing video games on every device known to man. He will know how to use a computer, he will know how to take one apart and put it back together but he will not be aloud to sit there all day on one or jump on the internet whenever he so feels like it. Not only will he be encouraged to go out and play and explore like a kid should, he will be encouraged to read books, to try and fix things on his own that are broken instead of coming to me or someone else. He will also be encouraged to take up hobbies that involve making or building things young. As he gets older he will be taught everything a man should be taught; fight, safety, shoot, repair, self educate, exercise, manners etc.

In no way will he be locked down tight. Having xbox's and smart phones and internet do not make a kid become a man or woman with a solid foundation and true north moral compass. Being given direction and mentorship with set boundaries do. Being taught the value of things and what it means to earn and work for those things do. Just look at the majority of kids today compared to generations before. Most kids today are self absorbed, selfish, ungrateful, materialistic, undisciplined, ignorant and think everyone owes them something. Why? Because parents stopped building them into adults and started relying on other things to do the work for them.

02-23-13, 23:47
That's all fine I just think some of what you posted in contradictory. If kids can't surf or play games then how they are going to know how to use a computer, and take one apart & put it back together? What are you going to teach them on it? FWIW we started on computer classes in early elementary at school.

My kids don't sit on electronics all day and they get plenty of outdoor time. They have bikes and friends and do all that type of stuff.

Do you have kids?

02-23-13, 23:56
That's all fine I just think some of what you posted in contradictory. If kids can't surf or play games then how they are going to know how to use a computer, and take one apart & put it back together? What are you going to teach them on it? FWIW we started on computer classes in early elementary at school.

My kids don't sit on electronics all day and they get plenty of outdoor time. They have bikes and friends and do all that type of stuff.

Do you have kids?

I am going to teach them as my step dad tought me. Plus there is more to do on a computer than surf the net and play games. They don't need to have their own electronics to know how to use them, or how they work.

I am starting to think you have selective reading..

Yes a 3 year old..

02-24-13, 00:37
Ah yes.. I remember those days of unclouded idealism, planning exactly how I was going raise my two girls and son. Then all the sudden life throws you a curve and it all goes to Hell. Or life simply evolves slowly and you don't even notice that you missed a step along the way and now you're scrambling to fix it. No parent is perfect. We do the best we can do.

02-24-13, 11:34
That's all fine I just think some of what you posted in contradictory. If kids can't surf or play games then how they are going to know how to use a computer, and take one apart & put it back together? What are you going to teach them on it? FWIW we started on computer classes in early elementary at school.

Very true. Everyone would be better served to adapt to a certain level because these technologies are too much a part of our lives now to be overlooked. Keeping kids, especially teens away from them may well hinder their school related progress at the very least.

If you are one of the current or future restrictive parents it may be better to place your child's best interests before your own. Use caution and set boundaries, but don't do something that may hurt them in the long run.