Quote Originally Posted by kenpstok151 View Post
I just want to shoot
No, apparently YOU want to argue, too.

At some point, an analogue of the following thought skittered around the event horizon of the black hole that is your ability to think in line-of-sight fashion; it goes as follows: "Gee whillikers, the mod got that guy shitting in my thread to stop, maybe that should signify that the argument is over and that we should get back on topic. Golly!"

To which your Silly-Straw chromosome kicked in, proclaiming: "Naw, derp derp derp, yer speshul, like s snewflak, you keep doin wut yew want ta dew, keep teh argument goin, dere's no consequ....uh...repercuss....uh...yew kin git away with it! Goo goo goo, c'mon Flash!"

Since we're bandying about stuff about the military and standards and qualifications and whatnot, here's something I picked up from my time in the Corps that I love to share with people incapable of critical thought processes: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

You'd best do this info-seeking work via PM within the members of the regional group. I see another "Where'm I gon' shoot?" thread from you, I'm not closing it, I'm deleting it entirely. There's your Stupid Prize, in lieu of your own Baiting/Bickering infraction.

I don't know what the hell is going on around here, the last few days. I must've missed the announcement from the federal gov't proclaiming it "Complete Window-Licking Douchenozzle Forum-Posting Week