Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo45 View Post

Like a double edged sword, I don't like TOS for its larger member base....it often takes time to weed through the plinkers, to get to the shooters. What I don't like about this site, is the non acceptance of criticism of the "top tier" brands, even on a small scale. I realize the reason for the rule "contact the manufacturer first", but some threads that are very informative, and not bashing a product at all, and only looking for ideas and knowledge, are sometimes locked, and usually deleted. I have seen it more than once. It seems there are some compelling interests with some companies, of some in charge here. Honestly, I think that is the reason for the smaller member base, here. You don't see an otherwise fair thread, about one defective upper, getting deleted on TOS. I understand the rule, but again, I think anyone with any amount of gun knowledge at all, can recognize a slam thread, and an honest thread about a defective part that slipped through the QC dept.
The rule concerning notifying the manufacturer first is because we understand how just one thread can cause a company thousands of dollars. Too many times the problem with the product or weapon is due to the ineptitude of the owner.

A thread with a title saying; "My BCM rifle won't shoot" will acquire about 100,000 + views over one month. Many people will only read the title of a thread or just the OP's comments. They do not realize that the OP took his BCM completely apart and installed the gas tube in upside down (which came out in page 9 of the discussion).

How many sales did BCM just lose because of that one thread and it wasn't even their fault?

The standard practice on here is to ask the poster if they have contacted the manufacturer about the problem. If they say no, the thread is locked and or removed (depending on the problem and the info in the thread). The OP is told that once the manufacturer is contacted and the problem has been addressed, the thread will be re-opened and the OP can post the resolution.
If the manufacturer choses to not help the OP and or gives them poor customer service, we will not protect the manufacturer and the OP is free to throw them under the bus (no matter if they are a sponsor or not).

We feel that this system is a win win for everyone. The manufacturer receives some top cover and the OP gets their problem resolved and can discuss the problem and fix.

What I don't understand, is with ALL the topics and threads on this site, Spikes gets ONE. One thread. If you post something about Spikes, and its not in that thread, you apparently have done something wrong. I don't buy into the excuse of "shrill" accounts (whatever that is) ruining it for everyone. I have been a part of this site for a long time (dating prior to my registration), and really haven't seen any more obvious shilling (as I would call it) by Spikes people, than I have from any other company. I just don't understand the hate, unless it is due to underlying sponsor politics, or something of that nature. I remember not too long ago, when BCM was bashed by all the Colt "fanboys" for trying to do something great at a good price, and look what Paul accomplished! Bravo (pun intended) to him!
For awhile we were seeing three or four Spikes threads a day. It was the same thing over and over with the same questions. So we lumped them all together and asked members to keep them in one thread.

Manufacturer's employees, friends of the company, fan boys and product owners are caught all the time attempting to push an agenda. It is has been happening since the start of Internet forums. Spikes has more than their share of of the above types.