Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyM4 View Post
Too many people bagged out for various reasons, most of which I suspect were excuses because they don't want to deal with the weather.

Looking at re-scheduling, but i'm afraid that the exact same thing will happen.

On another note, I took two guys up on Dec 30 to run some real basic "point the weapon in that---> direction, this is how you get a good grip, this is how you align your sights, etc" caveman beginner session.

After being in the cold, sea fog, frozen rain, cold, wind gusts that took the temp well below freezing, and, ass numbing cold....by the way, did I mention that it was cold? I kind of understand why others bagged out. I personally will train in any weather, but I have to admit that 6 hours in that stuff sucked dead donkey balls.

We'll see how the scheduling goes and i'll see about getting an invite up here on the board.
That weekend ended up freezing my ass off at the Practical Rifle night time match in Sherwood, Oregon, hosted by the Tri County Gun Club.

It was a very enlightening experience. In the cold/fog, gun shots create a massive cloud of mist that white light reflects off of, making 200 yard night time shots a real PITA.

At least a few of the stages had propane powered heaters though, hehe