Quote Originally Posted by kirkland View Post
Thanks. It's hard to find info about this topic. Hickok45 has put up a few videos testing hard cast through different generations of Glock 20's, he seemed to have had pretty good luck with the 200gr which is why I figured I'd try that combo. I had considered trying to put together a 460 Rowland, but it seemed like a factory 10mm pistol would be the more reliable option. Once I finally get to the range I'll come back here to report the success or failure.

Not to stray too far from the hard cast question, but I've found these links to be extremely interesting with useful info to glean from them.

These 2 take a look at various aspects of bear defense from an Alaskan Guide to stopped a bear with a 9mm and the other with some drills/tests:



And here is the forum thread on the most extensive testing I've seen. Very good information here. Be sure to scroll through all the pages as the story takes it twists and turns:


Personally, I divested from 10mm (a bit of a contrarian move considering the market), and the platforms I had (G20, G40, TRP) to fund more HK USP and P30 series pistols.

My decision matrix involved considerations for:

-cost of ammunition to become proficient under stress - I run 9mm, .40, .45 much more often than 10mm
-cost of boutique but quality bear defense ammunition - does one actually spend the $$ to train with said loads
-effectiveness of calibers less than 10mm, which still managed to stop threats - I admit being influenced by the data out there as mentioned in the links above, by those who stopped threats via "run what you brung"
-chances of actually needing a 10mm in my locale to ward off threat using a platform I'm proficient with, while stoked with the right ammo for that occasion

Enjoy the learning along the way!