I carry Langdon 92 Compact DAO that Ernest did for me a few years back. Before that I carried a Glock Gen2 G19. Every 15 years or so I look around and see if there is anything I should change.

I like the DAO gun as a threat management tool, rather than a gunfighting tool. I'm a civilian, and judged for every time I point a firearm at someone (Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon here in Texas). I'm also responsible for every round I fire, and every single trigger press has to be justified. So I am for a half-second split time, and the Beretta gives me about a .36 to .40 split. Every single round is a decision consciously made.

If I need a gunfighting tool, I'd really like to have something belt-fed with PFC's humping spare barrels and belts for me. Plus a JTAC talking on a radio just behind me.

You can do a lot with brains, training and discipline. I think a lot of people worry about tools, when they should focus more on skill development. Not directed at the OP, just a comment in general.

What makes Ranger Battalions so good? Not James Bond gear, but extremely high standards and rigorous practice.