Couple buddies have them. They seem like well-executed and well-appointed rifles, but those particular guys just shoot them periodically, not like twice a week or anything. The one you’re looking at has an “obsolete” proprietary mounting system. It looks like MLok, but isn’t compatible. That’s part of why the price is low. I’ve examined a few others, and they seem well-made, but I didn’t shoot them or go over them with a fine-toothed comb. I don’t really have much personal experience otherwise.

It’s true that they’re niche, and if you have to worry about resale of a gun, then you probably shouldn’t buy a gun. Good chance you’ll lose a significant amount of money. And a chance that you won’t lose much.

MarkM is known to hate LWRC more than I hate pursedogs. If I ever get rich, I’m going to buy the company, make a MarkM “signature” version, sell that and only that, and drop one in his yard every night for the lolz. I’ll throw him a case of ammo for his troubles, though. Steel cased, of course.