Quote Originally Posted by SomeOtherGuy View Post
This definition is important:

PRIVATE PARAMILITARY ORGANIZATION.—The term ‘private paramilitary organization’ means any group of 3 or more persons associating under a command structure for the purpose of functioning in public or training to function in public as a combat, combat support, law enforcement, or security services unit.

Anyway, looks like a new law (still only proposed) to selectively persecute and imprison people with un-approved politics (anyone right of AOC), while not ever being applied to blatant criminals with the preferred politics (like Antifa, New Black Panthers).

If you had morally pure and wise prosecutors, immune to politics, the proposed law would still have a lot of problems but probably wouldn't used against M4C readers. But knowing the current level of lawfare, this is guaranteed to be used to harass ordinary people with no criminal intent.

I would like to say that the 2024 election is critical and we should all vote harder, but after the last 3 major elections, I'm skeptical of whether voting harder will be enough.
Hmmm keeping us rural White Folks in check is important aint it?
So if I take my Sons out shooting does this qualify, or can you make the vagueness of terms entrap anyone under any circumstances?