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Thread: So God gave us Trump.

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  1. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
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    Ted Cruz explained the reasons he voted against Mike Hakeem Johnson's $100 billion package. Curiously, I haven't heard Johnson mention the $3.4 billion to help Biden further facilitate the invasion of America, or that the aid package will surely fund more terrorism as Ted Cruz explains. I reckon that falls under Johnson's philosophy of "doing the right thing and let the chips fall where they may."


    "First, the bill spends over $9 billion in so-called humanitarian aid, much of which will go to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and is sure to be diverted to fund yet more terrorism."

    “This bill has $3.4 billion for quote: migration and refugee assistance. That's the pocket of money that the Biden administration has used to pour cash into NGOs that are assisting with illegal immigration at our southern border, and so this gives them billions more to keep funneling in to these organizations that are trafficking people illegally in to this country and helping traffickers bring people illegally in to the country. I can't support that."

    “Finally, the decisive reason I could not support this bill is because it did nothing to secure the Texas-Mexico border. As I’ve said many times, we are facing an existential crisis—a full-on invasion—at our own southern border. Democrats desperately wanted to pass this Ukraine aid bill—so much so that the world watched the ridiculous spectacle of Democrats gleefully waving Ukrainian flags on the floor of the United States House of Representatives; it’s difficult to imagine those same Democrats ever waving an American flag with the same joy. Once again, I introduced H.R. 2 as an amendment to this bill, which would have done much-needed work to secure our border. If H.R. 2 were added to this package, I would have readily voted for Ukraine military aid. But I can’t continue to allocate funds to secure Ukraine’s border before we secure our own.”
    Last edited by ChattanoogaPhil; 04-26-24 at 10:02.


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