Quote Originally Posted by the AR-15 Junkie View Post
When Comcast went totally woke, the DE&I clowns they had installed to run the company, ran the stock into the ground, saw it coming, got out in August 2021 at $61.00 a share, now at $39.

There is no more woke company than Comcast. I hope Elon's starlink puts them out of business and in to bankruptcy.
My wife has a human resources management degree and got a job working at Comcast back in the late '90's. Shortly after being hired, her boss left and a new one was hired. My wife wasn't sore about not getting promoted to take the place of her boss because she honestly didn't have the experience. Unfortunately, the guy they hired was clueless and knew far less than her. However, he did have the preferred skin color. Employees were required to have a personal credit card in order to pay travel expenses that would be reimbursed after an expense report was filed. Her new boss couldn't get a credit card because he had bad credit. So, she had to put all his travel expenses on her credit card. We didn't mind because we got points, but the odd thing was that the guy wasn't embarrassed about it in the least. She left after a couple of years to take a job with a much smaller company where she wasn't simply a cog in the machine.

The worst thing about DEI is that it's straight up racial, sexual, etc. discrimination. The second worse thing about it actually causes people to question whether others were hired based on their merit or due to some other physical or social characteristic that's unrelated to their job function. I'm glad that I work for a company that hires completely based on merit.