Quote Originally Posted by FromMyColdDeadHand View Post
The DOJ announced that they were going after another thousand to the January 6 protesters. They’re hoping for a Lexington and Concord moment every time they go out.
NOW do y'all see why as soon as the Ray Eppses started trying to talk up "go to the Capitol Jan 6" a bunch of us were saying "be as FAR from DC as you can that day"? They won't stop at just on Capitol grounds, or "adjacent" as they re now, or even "merely in DC" - sooner or later they are coming for ALL of us, it's just a matter of how fast they can swallow what they've already bitten off.

Oh, to lead a Special Counsel inquisition into the seditious, anti-American heresy of the Deep State... the Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law charges would be getting handed out like Oprah audience gifts, and the entire J6 Committee would be getting Obstruction of Justice and Tampering With An Official Record for their destruction of evidence. Hit Pelosi with TWOR too for tearing up a Trump SOTU that by LAW is required to go to National Archives. Get those Big Red F's and Bar From Office hun on as many as possible...

Wouldn't it be a glorious day for America when murdering scum like SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Byrd and the Waffen-ATF jackboots who murdered the Arkansas airport manager have to take it in the ass in back-alleys to get enough money to feed themselves? Ah, strike that, they'd probably just hire themselves out to organized crime as a new Murder Inc...