Quote Originally Posted by ViniVidivici View Post
Nice to see SPD do something right once in a while.
I really wish they'd bring back that "To Catch a Predator" show. Everyone needs to know that shit is going on. Parents need to be aware, kids need to be warned and pedos need to be on notice and afraid. Probably the most useful tv show ever, even more important than America's Most Wanted.

They did a really nice job of developing a solid case with enough evidence for arrest before anyone was invited to "have a seat." Also being "pedo famous" on national tv probably hurt their chances of being successful in cultivated future victims. But unfortunately (or maybe not) on the the pedos caught up in a predator sting was Kaufman County assistant district attorney Louis Conradt, who shot and killed himself on November 5, 2006. He was involved in chats but didn't go to the undercover house and when police tried to serve an arrest warrant he killed himself.

And rather than be shamed by having a pedo in the family, his sister Patricia Conradt, filed suit against Dateline for US$105 million. The sting prompted protests from local residents, who were opposed to law enforcement officials purposely attracting sexual predators to their neighborhood. Others countered that these predators were already in the area (or close by) and that this sting revealed them to be sex offenders. NBC broadcast this investigation on February 13 and 20, 2007.

On September 5, 2007, Dateline aired the results of the forensic report on Conradt's computer. According to the report, Conradt's "CDs, laptop computers and cell phone all contained pornographic material, including child pornography."

If ever there was a show that should be brought back, it would be this one.