Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-17 View Post
Nice attempt at a "gotcha!" I don't have all the answers, but unlike your "civil war is bad, m'kay?" level of thinking, I can at least recognize that the answer isn't just repeating the same failed voting practices and hoping for the best.
Sorry, wasn't a gotcha. I assumed since you seemed to be advocating a civil war solution you had some kind of plan. If your plan is to continue to a "shooting war without a plan" because voting doesn't seem to be working, then I honestly don't even know what to say about that.

I've already done "get prepared" to the best of my ability, just waiting on a plan that is "morally defensible" to come along. Because THIS is the problem with civil wars, I'm not even sure you and I can be on the same side and we both have the same enemies. But you think I have problems with morals and I think you are fooking scary.