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Thread: Do you expect a "Black Swan" event to happen this year?

  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Averageman View Post
    I'm not a Mike Glover fan, but I admit picking through that video a bit.

    I wonder if the cell phone thing was a test run for the real deal?
    And there is another balloon at high altitude, hanging out over the western US.
    The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES our right to own and bear arms that are in common use that can be used for lawful purposes. The arms can be restricted ONLY if subject to historical analogue from the founding era or is dangerous (unsafe) AND unusual.

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  2. #52
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    november is gonna be a zinger...shenanigans going on in SC today. Ain't no tell'n what we're headed to.
    "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."
    Japanese Admiral Yamamoto, 1941

    "A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left."
    Ecclesiastes 10:2:

  3. #53
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    I subscribe to the Atlantic, because as far as being stream media goes, they’re fairly in the “middle“ and have some good pieces, the reality is that they are far from the most rabid anti-Trump far lefties. Even they are publish an article about how to keep Trump out of office through Insurrection, BS and trying to play games in the Congress, which, ironically is what got Trump in all of his trouble. Of course the mainstream media will say that this time it’s different. I can’t think of anything leading to a black swan event like Trump winning, and then the Democrats trying to keep him out of office.

    The worst part is, is that the leftists have zero Ability to understand the repercussions of their actions. They would do this and try to keep Trump out of office without realizing the damage it would do to the country. The violence it would unleash would be one thing, I don’t think that if they kept Trump out that you couldn’t stop states from leaving.

    I will say that even people like Swalwell and other Democrats interviewed for this were not real big enthusiast of the idea. I think if Trump wins, the danger is from that 10% ultra lefty edge of the population.
    The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES our right to own and bear arms that are in common use that can be used for lawful purposes. The arms can be restricted ONLY if subject to historical analogue from the founding era or is dangerous (unsafe) AND unusual.

    It's that simple.

  4. #54
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    Black Swan in sight?

    “How Democrats Could Disqualify Trump If the Supreme Court Doesn’t”

    "Democrats: The worst thing in the history of the world -- punishable perhaps by death -- is not voting to certify an election.

    Also Democrats: We are conspiring right now to not certify the next election if our opponent wins."
    “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” -Augustine

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-17 View Post
    I've been telling folks since last year that something was going to happen this year. I don't know what, but I'd bet every last dollar I own on this year being weird.
    When I saw the crappy 2019/2020 Dem election ticket I as like "they're just phoning it in this year, '24 is going to be the big show".
    Of course now it seems like there was considerably more intent to win in 2020, but... '24 still seems like the big ticket year. Another fella elsewhere made a good point, per the broader picture - this is an election year for several other countries aside from the US as well. A LOT of stuff hanging in the air right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by georgeib View Post
    ....I actually thought that Trump getting into office in 2016 would, if not derail, at least delay the globalist's agenda. In reality, it seemed to have the opposite effect, and not just here in the US either....
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-17 View Post
    I've thought about that too, but the problem I keep coming to is I don't see "them" wanting to release their grip on power enough to let the opposition take power for even a moment...
    I don't think a lot of people grasp HOW BADLY orangemanbad winning 2016 freaked 'the powers that be' the f*** out.
    People were literally screaming at the sky. Newstalkers were crying on air like it was 9/11 all over again. I have never seen such a mass mobilization of all aspects of media and society, since supporting Obama was basically the mandatory public outlook in '08.
    Such a surprise upset like Trump can never be allowed to happen again.

    Which is something to think about, because we all know, the louder they scream about something, the more potent a threat it is to them. Same as the more they ignore something, the more you should notice it. Now, a smart person would have played post-2016 a little differently, and life would likely have gone on without anyone noticing what was being done to them.
    But instead they staged the biggest nation-wide bitch-fit ever....over, in the grand scheme of things, a minor little 4-year partial-derailment of their plans. MAYBE 8. Things that have been in motion for decades, and suddenly it's a problem.
    Makes you wonder if they're really just that petulant about not getting their way... or if Trump really was the outsider to their club that presidents over previous years have not been.

    Could be 4D/5D chess while I'm just playing checkers, but overly convoluted plans tend not to be the best ones for vast conspiracies.
    The conspiracy is... there is no conspiracy.
    I think it's clear enough now, that all of this is being done right out in the open under organizations, government bodies, think tanks, NGOs, private security or investment firms, and so forth. On the off chance some of it does come to public knowledge, it's always presented as a good thing, or necessary thing, or keeping you safe somehow.
    There doesn't need to be a conspiracy because these brazen MF'ers KNOW that if they do it all right out in the open, nobody can stop them.
    Sometimes they change the law do enable this open action. Sometimes societal opinion. Sometimes, like this border thing for example, they just do it regardless of law or opinion, because of the law of "yeah, you and what army?". They know they can't be stopped if they just do it.
    There's a lesson in there somewhere...
    "Once we get some iron in our souls, we'll get some iron in our hands..."

    "...A rapid, aggressive response will let you get away with some pretty audacious things if you are willing to be mean, fast, and naked."-Failure2Stop

    "The Right can meme; the Left can organize. I guess now we know which one is important." - Random internet comment

  6. #56
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    At times like this when I was growing up, my Mom used to always tell us "don't worry, they won't let that happen". Mom was always right about that, whoever is in charge won't let anything happen to us.

    Mom never could tell me who "they"are.
    “Detached Reflection Cannot Be Demanded in the Presence of an Uplifted Knife” ~ Brown v. United States (1921)

  7. #57
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    Let those who are fond of blaming and finding fault, while they sit safely at home, ask, ‘Why did you not do thus and so?’I wish they were on this voyage; I well believe that another voyage of a different kind awaits them.”

    Christopher Columbus

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