If you're looking for alternatives, consider the following rangefinders that were well-regarded for their performance and value:

1-Leupold RX-1600i TBR/W with DNA Rangefinder:

Offers True Ballistic Range (TBR) technology.
Compact and lightweight design.

2-Bushnell Prime 1300 Laser Rangefinder:

Affordable option with good performance.
ARC technology for angle compensation.

3-Sig Sauer Kilo 2200 BDX Laser Rangefinder:

Bluetooth connectivity for integration with ballistic apps.
Capable of ranging up to 3400 yards.

4-Nikon Black RANGEX 4K Laser Rangefinder:

High-quality optics with a clear display.
Capable of ranging up to 4,000 yards.

5-Leica Rangemaster CRF 2700-B Rangefinder:

High-quality optics from Leica.
Bluetooth connectivity for ballistic data.