Quote Originally Posted by ViniVidivici View Post
I would say, Diamondback, switch to contacts.

They don't have to be taken out every night. When it's time to be taking them out, do one at a time. One one night, the other the next. You're never without vision that way.
To be honest, my intention here was to open a general discussion and compare notes, not request advice for my specific case.

Unfortunately one of the reasons I'm forced into glasses (hence the "least bad of bad choices" comment) is that with my eyes contacts are not an option--among other things, when it comes to that little puff of air for the glaucoma screening, my optometrist used to have to tape my eyes open like a torture scene in a horror movie. I should note that this is a woman I've known and trusted for many years ever since we were classmates together and knowing that I'm a shooter, she always specially adjusts the Rx for my left lens around the needs of iron sights. My last consult I didn't look like a good candidate for surgery.

Re "round the clock," it also helps that I'm on an overnight work schedule since my main client is in Europe--sleep for about 90 minutes, get through the telecon, another sleep cycle, wake up and grab the laptop for some datacrunching, and by third round of siesta the Old One's off her webexes and the live-in care demands of the new day start. Pretty much one or the other of us in the house is awake and semialert at all times.