Quote Originally Posted by vicious_cb View Post
Id like to see the source where you read that and who wrote it because Im positive its complete bull$hit. Opioids would make a terrible combat drug since half your attacking force would probably end up asleep before the engagement even begins, look at the modern fentanyl zombies and see how eager they are for a fight. You'd want stimulants for combat, not the opposite effect opiates give. Secondly there are no known medicinal plants that would have even remotely those effecst that grow in the Phillipines. Maybe bitter melon being so nasty it would make you want to stab someone?
"I'd SUSPECT an opioid-based substance." Note that key word there. Betel nut maybe? I dunno. Seems it wasn't just Moros who were rumored to have taken substances or fought like fanatics (there were several rebel groups we fought over quite a few years).