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Thread: Feds going after hunters

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Feds going after hunters

    As the courts have been pushing back on the Unconstitutional laws/regs passed, they now look to go after areas they control and can't really be stopped:
    - Will

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  2. #2
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    It sounds like they don't want the armed peasants to hunt the Kings Land.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    look what liberal compromise on gun control got Canada , they are literally trying to ban AirSoft , i would say that THAT is the end result of gun control , but that still leaves paintball , slingshots and spitball straws

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoopharted View Post
    look what liberal compromise on gun control got Canada , they are literally trying to ban AirSoft , i would say that THAT is the end result of gun control , but that still leaves paintball , slingshots and spitball straws
    And then thought crimes, wrong political class, wrong economic class, education, wrong religion, wrong last name. It's all happened before repeatedly...and thats where its heading.
    You won't outvote the corruption.
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by WillBrink View Post
    As the courts have been pushing back on the Unconstitutional laws/regs passed, they now look to go after areas they control and can't really be stopped:
    Kinda surprising they are moving this soon on a long term anti 2A ally. Maybe they will swing for the fence and go after LE special priveleges soon.

  6. #6
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    With the manufactured food crisis looming on the horizon , if I were a Fish and Game Officer I would
    think carefully about my vocation .

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowprone View Post
    With the manufactured food crisis looming on the horizon , if I were a Fish and Game Officer I would
    think carefully about my vocation .
    That doesn't seem to appeal to them.

  8. #8
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    "Every year, there's a hunt and fish rule that comes out at the end of the season," Benjamin Cassidy, the executive vice president for international government and public affairs at the pro-hunting Safari Club International and a former senior Interior Department official, told Fox News Digital. * "When I was in the [Trump] administration, these were big packages to celebrate opening of access, expanding opportunities for access."

    "Since this administration's [Biden] been in, the numbers have shrunk every year to lower numbers. It's really just kind of been masking tape over what's really been bans," Cassidy continued. "We've seen millions of acres closed and we've seen lead bans being put in place."


    * Thank you president Trump.

  9. #9
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    I'm trying to wrap my head around that guy getting charged for the Lobsters. That's wildly wrong, misinformed and way out of the reach of what these guys are there for. So I guess if you want to look like a fool to the public and your peers, go ahead and try getting away with this.
    But 20 miles from the nearest road in the dawns early light try that shit with some Elk Hunters.
    Wildly different outcome, I'm sure.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Averageman View Post
    I'm trying to wrap my head around that guy getting charged for the Lobsters. That's wildly wrong, misinformed and way out of the reach of what these guys are there for. So I guess if you want to look like a fool to the public and your peers, go ahead and try getting away with this.
    But 20 miles from the nearest road in the dawns early light try that shit with some Elk Hunters.
    Wildly different outcome, I'm sure.
    It isn't unique to Florida.
    Last edited by jsbhike; 04-30-23 at 15:19.


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