Quote Originally Posted by ViniVidivici View Post
This, every single bit of it.

Also, www.pistol-forum.com is an outstanding resource for all things pistol.

Particularly in the Drills, Practice and Test area, and Drill of the Week. Lot of good drills over there to learn. I bought a notebook and copied a ton of drills into it, it goes to the range with me.

Standardized drills will show you what aspects of handling and shooting you need to work on. Then you isolate and train those, and go back to the drill to register improvement.

Know this: you are in a PRIME situation to vastly improve your skills. Even 20 rounds a week every week, doing highly productive sessions, is FAR more beneficial than once or twice a year going out and doing a marathon 500 round session.

As far as holsters, see if Safariland makes an ALS to ride on your bat-belt.

Don't you carry outside the home? Tenicor and JMCK make great holsters for concealment.

The dry training to develop and maintain muscle-memory is first and foremost.
Thank you, I’ll check pistol forums out.

I actually don’t carry out and about. Can’t carry at work (federal) and I’ve never really felt the need otherwise except for predator control and I take a rifle for that.