Quote Originally Posted by 1168 View Post
Years ago, I participated in a thing for headaches, and took psilocybin. I completely lost interest in alcohol for a while, and have no idea why. I lost interest in tobacco for several years. Neither were goals or topics of discussion.

Cleared up the headaches, too, which I have also seen demonstrated in other persons with blast injuries. Like, immediately, like triptans. There’s a “House” episode that almost adequately says that.

I’m currently out as a precaution for an injury, which is rapidly driving me nuts. This is a topic that I think people should research with disregard for the government’s opinion, which has been well proven to be unscientific, and authoritarian. There is no basis, IMO, for the USG’s scheduling of that drug, and we should be hostile toward their claims.

Extremely hostile. The DEA kills people over my opinion on this. Kills, like as in murders, by shooting them to death extrajudiciously. The degree to which taxpayers and murderees are snowed is a travesty. It disgusts me as a doorkicker. Truly disgusting. Its why I despise feds and hope they all choke on dicks as they die while being cowards.
None what so ever. Drug laws kill more people than the drugs themselves. You can't have far more toxic drugs (booz and cigs) legal and expect anyone to take them seriously.