Quote Originally Posted by hotbiggun42 View Post
We moved to Southern Lauisiana about 1 year ago and the wife and i decided we should put together a couple bags incase we need to leave in a hurry.
Interested in food.
Ive been looking at Mountain House freeze dried meals. Figured 3- 4 days worth of meals should get us by..
What do you guys reccomend as far as flavor. The reviews are pretty great on all of their products so that doesnt help . Reccomendations?
Mountain House is okay, as are several other brands. Get a few and try them in your normal meal rotation. Tastes vary. Almost everything can be made better with a condiment and some seasoning packets, don't forget those. We can give you pointers, but you should really try them out.

Stick with the meals, the extra stuff like the packaged fruit, ice cream sandwiches, etc is gimmicky and expensive.

There are lots of other options in your grocery store that provide an easy to carry meal at low cost. They can also be rotated into your normal food supplies easily. The rice or noodle pouches sold as sides are $1-2 and work. Someone else mentioned the Uncle Bens pouches.

Identify a goal for your food preps, i.e. eat not to die, eat not to be hungry, eat to feel like home. Also what you'll have to prep it.