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Thread: What's Killing Bodybuilders And Other Athletes?

  1. #91
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    It is really sad the Tv watchers are so easy to brain wash.

  2. #92
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    "Must get the vax, must get the vax, must get the NEW vax, must get the new vax....."

  3. #93
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    Yeah 17% cardiac abnormalities post 2nd jab is a rare occurrence.

    Quote Originally Posted by WS6 View Post
    What were your observations? Were you seeing vaccine patients come in with bumped trops and fibrinogen, etc? I just didn't see it. I also noted most of my patients who did poorly were unvaccinated. The vaccinated ones typically were discharged home from the ER with minor/no symptoms, or were incidental positives just due to protocol testing for things like preop. Long story short, I just didn't see even a fraction of the issues from vaccination as I did covid. Now that things have gone on another 18mo, I am seeing less efficicacy of vaccination, but still no issues. Our numbers are pretty low now, though. What have you seen at your facilities? Ive spent the last 12 years working ICU and ER, among other departments, and the last several years working the covid wards, in addition. While its only a sample of one person's experience, I do feel that over this time, it's been pretty straightforward. Id like to know what other professionals who work with these patients have observed with the labwork and outcomes, as well, and hope you'll share more than a meme. We can all use data and experience to improve.

    Isnt that your own observational bias as well if your sample size are the people who went to the hospital in the first place wouldnt that be the population who have had more severe covid in the first place regardless of vax status? What about the people who didnt go to the hospital who werent vaxxed because their sx wasnt severe enough in the first place?
    Last edited by vicious_cb; 01-15-23 at 19:39.
    Forward Ascertainment Group

  4. #94
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    People are so ****ing stupid sometimes.

    'Oh healthy people dying after the vax is some other random thing that caused them to die of a Heart Attack.'


  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious_cb View Post
    Yeah 17% cardiac abnormalities post 2nd jab is a rare occurrence.

    I hope you watched the vid fully and objectively, vs as confirmation bias "ah ha!" source. Note there's lots of med/science nuance there, he mentions the importance of context, etc. I'm on the same page as he is (hence my write up linked in the OP), but an understanding of risk/benefit for which populations is essential to understanding that vid, and others I have posted. Reading the actual paper is useful too:

    Take home continues to be, for those with elevated risk of serious complications and death from covid, vaccines made sense from a risk/benefit POV.

    For those at low risk, especially young men, men under 40 without co morbidity, no, and studies continue to get published supporting that conclusion.

    I do have thoughts on how to possibly making the vaccines safer for all who get them, which will be ignored by the powers that be.

    Per vid/article supplied from Dr Prasad, the "vaccines for all" approach, the lack of data examining risk/benefit of different age groups, etc is an utter and total failure of basic science. That it's being done in places like Taiwan, vs the US, UK etc (not his sarcasm on that matter...) is criminal at this point.
    Last edited by WillBrink; 01-16-23 at 11:05.
    - Will

    General Performance/Fitness Advice for all

    LE/Mil specific info:

    “Those who do not view armed self defense as a basic human right, ignore the mass graves of those who died on their knees at the hands of tyrants.”

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by WillBrink View Post
    I hope you watched the vid fully and objectively, vs as confirmation bias "ah ha!" source. Note there's lots of med/science nuance there, he mentions the importance of context, etc. I'm on the same page as he is (hence my write up linked in the OP), but an understanding of risk/benefit for which populations is essential to understanding that vid, and others I have posted. Reading the actual paper is useful too:

    Take home continues to be, for those with elevated risk of serious complications and death from covid, vaccines made sense from a risk/benefit POV.

    For those at low risk, especially young men, men under 40 without co morbidity, no, and studies continue to get published supporting that conclusion.

    I do have thoughts on how to possibly making the vaccines safer for all who get them, which will be ignored by the powers that be.

    Per vid/article supplied from Dr Prasad, the "vaccines for all" approach, the lack of data examining risk/benefit of different age groups, etc is an utter and total failure of basic science. That it's being done in places like Taiwan, vs the US, UK etc (not his sarcasm on that matter...) is criminal at this point.
    Well the whole take away from the video was that teens 12-18yo who have pretty much no risk for COVID complications are getting pushed to take the jab when they are the population most at increased risk for vaxx ADRs. And that there is ZERO policy change in regards to new data.

    The real question is can we extrapolate this data to other populations and age ranges? I mean if this occurs in teens what physiological differences are there to say this isnt happening in people in their 20's? 30's? 40's?

    Where are the studies for people in their 20's, 30's, 40's? Where exactly is the cut off age range for risk vs benefit? The fact that studies like this have to come out of places like Taiwan mean that the western health agencies are unwilling to do studies that prove their misguided mass jab policies are a mistake.

    All this shows to me is that the media and western heath agencies lie and hiding the data. What it is exactly they're lying and hiding? Dunno because no one is publishing the data.
    Last edited by vicious_cb; 01-16-23 at 21:15.
    Forward Ascertainment Group

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by vicious_cb View Post
    Well the whole take away from the video was that teens 12-18yo who have pretty much no risk for COVID complications are getting pushed to take the jab when they are the population most at increased risk for vaxx ADRs. And that there is ZERO policy change in regards to new data.

    The real question is can we extrapolate this data to other populations and age ranges? I mean if this occurs in teens what physiological differences are there to say this isnt happening in people in their 20's? 30's? 40's?

    Where are the studies for people in their 20's, 30's, 40's? Where exactly is the cut off age range for risk vs benefit? The fact that studies like this have to come out of places like Taiwan mean that the western health agencies are unwilling to do studies that prove their misguided mass jab policies are a mistake.

    All this shows to me is that the media and western heath agencies lie and hiding the data. What it is exactly they're lying and hiding? Dunno because no one is publishing the data.
    That data does exist, and or, being further parsed out. On average, studies were clear the rates of hospitalizations and death from covid dropped approx 90% with vaccines when they came out against the early strains. Less so as time went on. That's easy to find. If you have watched his vids all along, you will see where he also covered that aspect.

    What they did not do, still not doing, and minor countries doing while we ignore it, is look at the recs for the different ages/groups etc. Remember, it's risk from the vaccines it's risk of exposure to covid vaccinated or not, as everyone will exposed.

    The vaccines are not risk free, and the only Q that matters is, are they less of a risk than exposure to covid without being vaccinated. That's where stratification by age, co morbidity, etc comes in.

    Much has changed, yet policies have not, and that's the main issue, and those docs who were not in one camp or another, and in their lane, etc, have been ramping up their criticisms on that. See also vids I posted from Dr Prasad here on those topics.

    If they say "follow the science" then that tells us the science is moving, and perhaps they should follow the damn science. I'm getting more and more critical of that as are others like Dr Campbell et al.

    Now I had a friend, healthy, no co morbidity, etc spend 40 days in a drug induce coma and as close to dying as one can get, while his brother, one year older, got vaccinated, and while felt terrible for week or so, was OK. They both got it the same time same place. That was with Delta which was a legit lethal version and anyone want to say covid "was just the flu" has no idea what they are talking about and talking with med pros who worked in ICU at that time as I did, made that very clear.

    Story of what happened to by buddy:
    Last edited by WillBrink; 01-17-23 at 09:13.
    - Will

    General Performance/Fitness Advice for all

    LE/Mil specific info:

    “Those who do not view armed self defense as a basic human right, ignore the mass graves of those who died on their knees at the hands of tyrants.”

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