As to lube-- "anything". There is no need to wring hands over what brand, etc. My bottom line is "oily, 20-to-40-ish wt". Grease is thicker than need be, WD40 is thinner than optimal but if that's all you had.... they'll work for the moment. I know a lot of people want to tout ATF as the best lube ever, I disagree but it honestly is "good enough". There are so many kinds these days, as I recently found out when a hole rusted in my transmission pan and I had to have exactly, but I mean exactly, the right type. Some are pretty toxic smelling. I know some guys are concerned about lubing with products that will sling or vaporize into something you don't want to breath or get in your eyes or even have on your hands. I agree that we need to be careful these days with what we come into contact with. That's part of the reason I guess that whatever I'm using, I'm not using it liberally.

I've used creamy sunscreen (not the oily type) and Parkay to lube an AR during one training season, with 100% good results. Way sub-par of course but they got the job done.

As to the schedule of maintenance, "as needed, or more if you like doing it".

Wildcat, thanks for the primer info, I'm trying to learn why some pit and some don't, it seems to be not just about round count. But getting info on what kind of primers are used and/ or load intensity and/or brass type, that's rare.