Quote Originally Posted by Diamondback View Post
I wonder what the department's Liability insurer would say about Chief Cheapass denying his officers basic medical equipment? Or the ones Da Chief answers to in muni gov?
Once you know or should have known what you're supposed to be doing, you enter the realm of negligence and deliberate indifference. I would be retaining correspondence and data on conversations with such a chief.

Might also be worth sending a note to Rescue Essentials and see if they can do anything for ya.
Always useful to network and visit with vendors. That said, it's too easy to be poor and beg for a donation. That's what a lot of folks do and manufacturers receive those requests for discounts or free gear daily. It's always harder to do work, and blockers make it harder still. However, a number of programs not only allow but encourage application for this kind of equipment. The offices that run those programs are also familiar with chiefs like the OP's, and can almost certainly help with a third-party/pass-through conduit to get the gear out.

Follow-through is the name of the game here.