Quote Originally Posted by ST911 View Post
Very few people will see your post in here, I can move it to GD if you like.
Sure, if you think that's better.

You need a new chief or a new agency.
This stuff is the standard of care/industry standard. If the picture you paint is accurate, your chief is deliberately indifferent and negligent.
Possibly true, but it's the situation I have to work within.

There are organizations that donate trauma kits, the names escape me. I'll think on it.
That would be great

Go to your local lions/vfw/am legion/etc and ask for donation/sponsorship for this purpose, offer gratuitous PR.
Part of the problem is, we're a new agency and everyone who works here came from somewhere else. Nobody belongs to any of those organizations or has family in the area who do.

I'm going to try calling around but thought I'd ask if anyone knew anyone who does those kind of donations specifically.

Go to your emergency manager or state homeland security coordinator and ask how to apply for federal funds for this allocated to states. IFAKs are fundable.
If we have those positions, they are probably held by the chief himself. We only have 10 people in our entire department.