Quote Originally Posted by Mick Boon View Post
Trade is not always a good idea, best buy what you need rather than things to trade for it.
Can't predict everything. Things break, go bad, and disappear. If the SHTF is local, like Katrina, it won't matter, the world didn't end. But if it's global..... whole different story. That herd of wild animals you have running around.... you think you're the only one who thought to harvest them for meat? People aren't that stupid, sooner or later you'll get more "neighbors"!

Sometimes it's better to hand out a few things than it is to fight. You just have to judge the situation.

Besides, the biggest problems are going to be food/water and medicine. Would suck to develop a toothache or infection with no doctor to help. Here's an opportunity to have something worth trading instead of using your own supplies.