Quote Originally Posted by tgizzard View Post
My wife is fit and eats well, I'm basically a by product of her smart choices food wise.
So awesome that you recognize that and give her kudos. For me, my smart food choices come first from any inflammation result I receive 27 hours later and, as for how much I eat, I have to give C4IGrant the credit. He lost over 30# about 5 years ago and teaches me how to eat less...

It's amazing how little food I need now (under 1000 cal a day easily)...and very frustrating. I tend to be an emotional eater (the happier I am the more I eat, anxious/sad/stressed leads to no eating). I give C4IGrant permission sometimes to stop me from having my kids grab me some pretzels or chocolate in the evening while we are watching our shows together--my favorite part of the day.