JediGuy, thanks for posting this.

I've been losing and gaining back the same 10#s for the last few months.

I just turned 41, and at my last checkup my Dr my results say I'm knocking on the door of being pre-diabetic. I have nothing against Diabetics, but I personally don't want to be one.

Quick info on me:
As I said, I'm 41.
As of 10 min ago, 189#.

In my mid 20s I was around 165 or so. Had gotten up to 185 when I got married at 30. Went back down to 170 in 2012 when my daughter was born. From there up to earlier this year I worked my way up to 197. That was when I decided I need to start getting myself in check. Back in June the wife and I did a diet of shakes and small meals. I had gone from 197 to 183 in about a month. Since them I have gone back up and down in the 180s over and over.

I'd like to use this threat as accountability to keep the trend going down this time.

If I could get back to 170 or 165 I'd be pretty pumped.

If there is no specific day to update I'll either post when the majority of you do, but would like to be on a weekly basis.

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