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Thread: 2019 Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up - Oct 12&13 - Dallas TX

  1. #1
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    2019 Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up - Oct 12&13 - Dallas TX

    2019 Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up

    by Hardwired Tactical Shooting - Darryl Bolke and Wayne Dobbs

    Eventbrite registration link:


    This ​​will ​​be ​​a ​​two-​​day ​​course ​​done ​​in ​​mini ​​seminar ​​fashion. ​​ ​​We ​​will ​​teach ​​various ​​blocks ​​of ​​running ​​the ​​snub nose revolver ​​with ​​different ​​instructors ​​focusing ​​on ​​different ​​drills ​​and ​​uses. ​​ ​​The ​morning ​of ​day ​​one ​​will ​​focus ​​on ​​snub revolver ​fundamentals ​with ​the larger snub ​​guns ​​and ​​their ​​various ​​uses ​​and ​​deployment ​as a primary defensive handgun. ​​ ​​The ​second ​half ​of ​Day ​One ​will ​​focus ​​on ​​smaller ​​guns ​​as ​​a ​​back-up ​​system ​​and ​​snub ​​use ​​as ​​a ​​primary ​​weapon. ​​ ​​

    Day ​Two ​will focus on various topics such as carry methods, ballistics, and more complex and difficult shooting drills. ​ ​The Instructor Cadre will be Wayne Dobbs, Darryl Bolke, Chuck Haggard and Dave Dolan. Lt. David Dolan (Ret) is new as an instructor at this event. He has 33 years of experience with the Los Angeles Police Department. He is both a highly recognized expert in deep undercover operations and served as a highly regarded firearms and tactics instructor. He does not regularly teach outside of law enforcement restricted classes and this will be a unique opportunity for attendees. All four are ​true ​subject ​matter ​expert ​on ​revolver ​shooting, ​and ​carry ​and ​over a century of combined law enforce experience and all have carried and used revolvers in the field extensively. ​ ​We ​will ​also ​utilize ​all ​of ​the ​instructors ​to ​pass ​on ​extensive ​knowledge ​of ​the ​use ​of ​the ​concealment revolver ​for ​defensive ​purposes ​based ​on ​actual ​field ​use. ​ ​This ​course ​is ​designed ​for ​experienced ​​shooters ​​who ​​are ​​looking ​​for ​​a ​​chance ​​to ​​add ​​or ​​update ​​their ​​skills ​​with ​​a ​​revolver. ​​ ​​

    Those ​​with ​​no ​​revolver ​​experience ​​are ​​encouraged ​​to ​​attend; ​​however, ​​they ​​should ​​have ​​a ​​solid ​​shooting ​​background ​​with ​​pistols. ​​ ​​ ​We ​have ​revolvers ​available ​for ​loan ​to ​those ​who ​need ​them. ​ ​Students ​will ​need ​a ​6 shot or steel 5 shot ​revolver ​and ​a ​5 shot small snub ​nose ​with ​holsters ​and ​support ​gear ​(speed ​loaders ​and/or ​speed ​strips). ​ ​Ammunition ​requirements ​should ​run ​approximately ​500 ​rounds ​of ​training ​ammunition.

    We ​​will ​​also ​​have ​​an ​​added ​​dedicated ​​classroom ​​sessions ​​to ​​cover ​​equipment, ​​selection ​​and ​​support ​​gear ​​for ​​the ​​revolver ​​along ​​with ​​four ​​3 ​​hour ​​shooting ​​sessions. ​​ ​​All ​​of ​​the ​​instructors ​​will ​​have ​​extensive ​​real ​​world ​​experience ​​in ​​their ​​block ​​of ​​instruction. ​​ ​​ ​​Traditionally, ​we ​cater ​Texas ​BBQ ​to ​the ​venue ​on ​Saturday ​night, and is included along with range fees in ​the ​$500 ​tuition ​cost.

    Cost: $500

    Location: Dallas Pistol Club
    1830 West Belt Line Road
    Carrollton, TX 75006

    Mod note: I know and have trained with all four of the instructors. They are top-notch. Think about how many of us own J-frames. How much training have you had with it? These guys have about 100 years of revolver experience between them. Plus you get to oogle one of the best revolver collections in the Us over a BBQ dinner on Saturday night.

    And even if you don't own a revolver, this is a terrific opportunity to learn. I own a dozen J-frames, and will be happy to loan one to an attendee for the class. Every year we have a couple of folks with zero wheelgun time, and they leave running a revolver like a boss. No bad habits to break, and starting with excellent teachers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Feedback Score
    46 (100%)
    FYI: In less than 24 hours, the class is already down to only 5 slots remaining.


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