Quote Originally Posted by OH58D View Post
I've got too much invested here, and family history of nearly 400 years. I will do nothing different except avoid and evade (which means non-compliance). I've got an address over in Dalhart, Texas which would allow me to receive contraband, but I am in good shape for guns, ammo, mags and assorted other accessories. Still filling some holes in handgun ammo but you would be shocked to see what a fully stocked ammo pantry looks like - floor to ceiling, with over 40,000 rounds of ammo. I buy in bulk since I am living over 70 miles (one-way) from the nearest gun store. Nothing gets shipped here so I go to the FedEx or UPS hub to pick stuff up.

I've been working this plan for many years and I am one who is not hurting for anything, except for some things I may want, but not needs.
Land grant family.....sounds like a Matt Bracken novel....