Quote Originally Posted by jsbhike View Post
Missed the reformation video, usually really like their stuff, but did catch the shockwave one and have to agree.

And the thing is, they do know why on the reformation and shockwave because in at least one of their bullpup vids they mentioned as being a way to sbr size without nfa.

While I am not a big shotgun fan in general and have never shot a pistol gripped 12 gauge, based on shooting .44 magnum Blackhawk and .44 Redhawk I have to assume shooting a 12 gauge with traditional versus the shockwave was not an apples to apples comparison either.
I think the InRange guys' objection to the Reformation and the Shockwave were not that they exist, because I recall them saying they get the whole idea of giving a finger to the NFA, but that the manufacturers of those products were trying to pass them off as being something other than just simple NFA workarounds. As though their NFA-skirting quirks somehow made them superior to other, more conventional options for practical purposes. Mossberg was basically describing the Shockwave as like the "ultimate home defense weapon" for women or something. And Franklin Armory was practically portraying the Reformation and it's Nerf bullets as the next great leap in kinetic energy projectile technology.
Something about the Shockwave did seem to rankle Ian (The milder mannered, long haired guy) in particular though. As I recall comments made by Karl (Who is usually the bigger jackass of the two) later that even he was caught off guard by the way the normally laid back Ian went after the Mossberg rep.
To be fair to the companies though, I suppose it's probably a smart move to at least try and portray these products as having some kind of purpose beyond "Get bent, NFA" because while there's nothing illegal about that, it is in their best interests to maintain good relations with the ATF.