Quote Originally Posted by SteveS View Post
Texas is turning into the next California sooner that we thought. Texas has been Californiated.
Pray tell, what factual data do you base that on?

I am just curious, as a native Texan who was involved in politics and political fundraising for many years. What is your source of data out there in California, that allows you to confidently pronounce a verdict on a state in which you do not reside?

I am fascinated by all the out of state pundits telling me how hopeless my situation is here.

Trust me, many of us understand the crucial role this state plays.

If you really understand Texas politics, then you understand what a HUGE bit of news this is: Republican Bob Strauss will not be the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives in the next legislative session.

Trust me, that has about the same impact nationally as Trump's last Supreme Court nomination. If you truly understood Texas politics, you would know this to be true.

Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio have been Democrat strongholds for the last 25 years. It's also irrelevant. Texas has 254 counties, and the population of those four land-locked cities is not growing nearly as fast as the very dark red suburbs. Plus, look at the number of non-voting illegal aliens in those four cities. Texas is putting people in JAIL for felony illegal voting.

Do some research on that before you start saying prayers over our corpse, please.