Breakfast may be a Sprite and a hamburger patty. Lunch maybe yogurt with peanut butter. Dinner depends on what I have eaten earlier. Maybe a protein shake, Sprite, and some pasta. Just examples of not limiting yourself with the thought process that certain foods go with certain meals.

At 5'8", 165lbs., that seems too much weight for the frame size; however, you could be muscular. 2400 calories is also too much if you are looking to lose weight/get six-pack.

Calories for you should be in the 1800-1900/day range. Basing it on you weighing 155# as a more ideal weight. Could be wrong which throws off calculations. 50-60g fat per day. Fat is approx. 9 calories per gram. Get a significant portion of calories from protein. Carbs will be dictated by what the scale shows. Increasing/decreasing activity levels means adjusting food intake and the percentages from fat, protein, carbs.

I am a firm believer in meal skipping and not eating at all periodically(IF). Both can help maintain and get to where you want to be.

Really boils down to how bad you want to reach your goal and if there are other priorities that impede the process. Don't be your own worst enemy. It's all a mind game.

Me? I like being very fit; as I get older, I am starting to feel like a unicorn. Very, very few maintain their bodies once they hit mid-30's and beyond. Obesity is a serious issue and I'll be damned if I contribute or become a poor role model for my family.