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Thread: From the: Be Careful What You Wish For Files - Minimum Wage Hike Edition

  1. #11
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    It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.

    Chuck, we miss ya man.


  2. #12
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    Ahh, yes - two nickels (read the label) for a piece of coffee cake - those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end...

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    If you assign an arbitrarily high price to cigarettes (or Big Gulps), demand goes down. This is the desired effect, and everyone gets it.

    But if you assign an artificially high price to labor, they expect demand to remain constant? Hmmm...

    The automated restaurant thing might be kinda funny, but anyone notice the proliferation of grocery-store self-checkout? Let's get rid of entry-level jobs, and make more $100k domestic engineering jobs and overseas assembly jobs! This'll help the poorest citizens!

  4. #14
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    The debate over minimum wage laws goes to the core of how we view the relationship between economics and politics. Politicians who enact these laws imagine themselves as central planners magically bringing compassion and high living standards into being with the stroke of a pen. People who support the laws have a flawed view of the market process that sees exploitation behind all exchange relationships. Unions that back them are selfishly using the political process to enrich themselves at others’ expense.

    The actual reality is this: The minimum wage is a violent imposition on the freedom of association that harms all of society in the long run. The United States has been blessed by the fact that pressure to increase the minimum wage has been resisted at the federal level for many years. If we care about reducing unemployment and retaining the conditions for future prosperity, we had better not make the mistake of increasing it. If Congress had any economic sense, it would repeal all these laws forthwith. -
    Politician's Prefer Unarmed Peasants

  5. #15
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    Apart from the Marxist left implementing their workers paradise via the raise in the minimum wage causing companies like this to look at other options, Carl's Jr. has also announced they closing shop in CA. CA is taxing business to death so some companies are pulling up stakes. This is happening at the national level too where traditional US companies are moving overseas to survive high taxation here.

    And for the record I'll trust a robot/automaton/cyborg with safe food handling over a human all the day long. In high school I too worked at a fast food joint, was the grill man aka burger flipper. One day I'll tell you gents all about my adventures in white privilege.
    "In a nut shell, if it ever goes to Civil War, I'm afraid I'll be in the middle 70%, shooting at both sides" — 26 Inf

    "We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them." — CNN's Don Lemon 10/30/18

  6. #16
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    I promise you this: $15/Hour will be a reality! And you can bet the US will adopt a mandatory paid family leave program. Hillary says 90 days seems fair, Bernie was more in the 30-60 day, so your going to pay someone 1-3 months for free. Seems like every liberal wants to model our country after another, Australia with gun "buy back" programs, Denmark with free education/healthcare and now our business sector will look a lot like Holland, where you will not be able to fire a person without giving them 3 verbal warnings, 3 written warnings and having to appear before a counsel of business ethics to get your request to fire granted, then you have to compensate that individual until he or she finds a suitable job.

    Its either some type of automated system put in place or its, "hi, welcome to McDonalds, would you like to try one of our $10 value meals".

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    The one thing to keep in mind when using references to countries like holland and denmark is the fact that compared to the us they are small. Very small. Like- holland is 1/3 the size of florida. Many states are smaller than my county...
    Also totally different social structures.
    This creates a copletely different (economic) reality.
    Fwiw-i dont hear a lot of complaints from anyone living in Denmark. Just an observation.
    I also feel compelled to comment on a statement made regarding health-insurance plans that supposedly were available before 'obamacare'. Described as affordable and covering 'pretty much everything'. What universe, really? Clearly youre not the one dealing with health insurance-ever. Maybe define 'affordable' and 'pretty much everything'
    I will shut up as soon as someone shows me just one of such plans.
    Because they did/do not exist. Period.
    Last edited by polydeuces; 03-19-16 at 08:32.
    Per Ardua ad Astra.
    STS - gone but not forgotten.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    My Son got a Fast Food job in High School at Taco Bell.
    He is a pretty sharp kid, whenever he worked the register he would ask if the customer wanted their receipt most said no. He just filled out the customer survey on the back, usually extolling his virtues of service. He would laugh his ass off every time corporate would send someone down to interview him and give him another raise.
    I think he was making close to twelve an hour when he moved on to greener pastures.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 26 Inf View Post
    Or, simply pop a meal in the microwave.

    No way that food isn't going to suck even more than fast food does now.

    How old is this guy - someone should tell him to google 'automat' and ask him how many of those he still sees around.

    You guys that are concerned about minimum wage, maybe we need to do something about bringing jobs back so that adults don't have to work McJobs and we can let kids work menial jobs.

    I am long way from being a socialist, but damn, the way some of you guys want things guarantees that your kids and grand kids will end up indentured to the oligarchs.

    This country was built on a strong middle class, for the life of me I can not understand the desire to put it out of business.
    Those "conservative" values at work. This is why you will never see any GOP action on immigration from the establishment. That cheap illegal labor is far too tempting.
    "I pity thou, fools who dost not choose BCM" - King Arthur 517 A.D.


  10. #20
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    Don't hate the playa: hate the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Averageman View Post
    My Son got a Fast Food job in High School at Taco Bell.
    He is a pretty sharp kid, whenever he worked the register he would ask if the customer wanted their receipt most said no. He just filled out the customer survey on the back, usually extolling his virtues of service. He would laugh his ass off every time corporate would send someone down to interview him and give him another raise.
    I think he was making close to twelve an hour when he moved on to greener pastures.

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