On Kevin and Travis' thoughts...

Share the video or mix up partners, if two guys are doing something wrong it seems to solidify faster than one person doing it alone -- the "adult learner" folks we have on staff tell us it is because when you are training alone, there is (almost) always a question in your mind if you are doing it right, but if you have another person there assuring you that you are doing something right, it sets faster.

Oh, and if you are doing live fire drills with a suppressed weapon in your home, make sure that your "traps" will stop the round you are shooting, otherwise you can shoot through a wall at the end of a hallway and through many, many rows of your wife's clothes hanging in the closet on the other side of said wall -- don't ask, just take for action

Actually... skip the live fire stuff in your domicile, bad idea from the get-go.