I saw AK's in Iraq and Afghanistan that were used and abused beyond imagination. I remember seeing the mismatch of parts, some AK's had parts from 3+ more countries mixed into them. Most of them ran, but not always.

The ones that never seemed to have real issues were those that were still ORIGINAL and used proper mags and ammo.

Very few AK's on the U.S market are worth a shit. Based on experience alone the only ones that come to mind are Arsenal.

Quote Originally Posted by Doc Glockster View Post
I have enough experience to vouch that this is FACT. Truth be told I had so many problems with 922(r) compliant AK's that I no longer consider the civilian version of the AK to be a viable platform.

I also have had enough issues with non-milspec AR's to want to believe every caution spouted by a knowledgeable member on this site.

I can't calculate the thousands of dollars M4Carbine.net saved me by steering me away from junk.

I'm proud that I believed people with greater experience than me and I went right to the "best": BCM, Aimpoint, Daniel Defense, Surefire, MI, Vltor, Vickers Tactical--but you get the idea.

Strange: none of it has failed me yet. I cannot say that about Bushmaster, Streamlight, and other lesser brands I've owned.

Sometimes people really do know what they're talking about on the untrustworthy innernetz.