Quote Originally Posted by Honu View Post

Figured it was not about tm more about state of our country

Honu, here is the sitrep the local guy posted today. This little shindig is costing the state a pretty penny.
About all I can say is at least they aren't trashing it yet the way they did in WI.

Oh how this horrid event has turned out. It is currently day 26 of their little “sit-in” and the State has not moved a muscle to remove them. FDLE is still sitting on its hands and does not want to be the “bad guy” in the media. Governor Scott neither has demanded that they be removed for three reasons. One, it’s an election year and he believes that by allowing them to stay he will win the black vote. Two, the House and Senate Democrats are supporting the protesters. Three, the Federal Government and its DOJ-CRS agents are still on scene.

So far the State has spent over $300,000 in security costs. The protesters still do their usual. Sit on their collective rears, surf the internet, shout and chant when the media arrives, and pretty much become a public nightmare for tourists, citizens needing to do business or get services at the Capitol, and become the pain that they are to State employees. The media such as WCTV still only does tight shots of the Dream Defenders and will allow them to choreograph little actions to make it appear big on TV.

Rep. Alan B. Williams of course is still funding this shindig with tax payer dollars. The Senate Minority Office is still being used as a staging ground and cache for all of their supplies. The NAACP is still backing up the group as is the SEIU. In fact the leader of the Dream Defenders in Tallahassee is Gabriel Pendas. A Cuban American that grew up in Miami, FL. He attended Sunset Senior High School and of course failed graduating. As such instead of being a productive member of society he became a welfare leech upon society and later was co-opted by Marxists.

Gabriel Pendas is currently paid as a “Leader Organizer” by the SEIU and is on the SEIU payroll. Here is the direct link from SEIU’s own website. http://www.unionfacts.com/local/employe ... IEL/PENDAS

Salary Breakdown (2012)

§ Gross Salary: $36,202.00

§ Allowances: $8,700.00

§ Official Business: $4.00

§ Other Compensation: $0.00

§ Total Compensation: $44,906.00

Salary History



Gross Salary

Total Compensation









Gabriel Pendas lieutenant is Phillip Agnew and is also on the SEIU payroll. Once again straight from the horse’s mouth. http://www.unionfacts.com/local/employe ... LLIP/AGNEW

Salary Breakdown (2012)

§ Gross Salary: $20,157.00

§ Allowances: $5,750.00

§ Official Business: $1,008.00

§ Other Compensation: $0.00

§ Total Compensation: $26,915.00

Salary History



Gross Salary

Total Compensation





So strange that the two leaders of this “grass roots movement” are on the payroll of one of the biggest leftist labor unions in the USA and that a labor union would even be involved but oh wait, SEIU has connections to ACORN and the Democrats along with President Obama himself.

Race Baiting Poverty Pimp Jesse Jackson stayed the night this past week with the protesters. At no point did Jesse Jackson actually sleep on the “floor” with the protesters. He stayed in Rep. David Richardson (Democrat of Miami Beach and another supporter of them and also Florida’s one of two gay Reps.) office which is located at Suite 1301 in the FL Capitol. The protesters themselves are not sleeping on bare floor. The SEIU and the Democrats have supplied them with top of the line Coleman brand sleeping mats and other goodies like pillows and blankets. It’s not just one mat per protester either; it’s more like three to four. Because and I quote what a protester said “What? The floor is hard and we want to be comfy.” Neither are they starving. Food is constantly delivered and it’s not Hungry Howie’s or Littler Ceaser’s $5 deal. It’s high end dining a la carte. Both Gabriel Pendas and Phillip Agnew stay each night at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel (101 S Adams St Tallahassee, 32301 / 850-224-5000) which is right down the block from the Capitol which averages $110 to $130 a night.

More members are being bussed in from Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, and other areas across the State of Florida and the Country. Outside courses are from North Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio. The protesters themselves are still being very selective of who joins their little oligarchy as they have continued to kick out the homeless and others from joining. They don’t want to general public involved since they cannot control what they say or do. If this was truly a “Peoples’ Movement” then we would have more joining the cause everyday but it’s not. It is a coordinated effort to create drama for disarming the citizenry through the repeal of pro 2nd Amendment laws and the passage of anti-freedom laws.

As for the reasoning itself. The protesters are now going after Voter Registration and are still going after Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law (which actually helps Florida’s black population immensely in allowing them to defend themselves from Black on Black crime). Amazing that this astroturfed campaign wants to go after Self Defense laws, gun rights, and change the voter numbers in Florida to further benefit the Democrats. Once again they show their true colors in being what they are….

A astroturfed Democrat/Marxist group seeking to turn Florida into a Statist paradise like California, New York, or Washington DC.

Sorry for the late reply and update. I have been busy with work as my duties take me away from the Capitol most of the time and of course I have a family that requires my attention. Though my duties to the Constitution are still top priority.