Quote Originally Posted by Reagans Rascals View Post
I do agree for the most part, however I do blame the societal acceptance of terrible advice squirted from the lips of the media for how the health standard in the US has plummeted from the fit and trim GI's of the 40s to the fat and sedentary blobs of today
The fact is, the fit and trim GI's of the 40s ate more like Paula Deen than the healthy food fetishists of today. They just used their body more and/or didn't eat as much. I grew up among a bunch of physically hard SOBs who used their bodies hard and ate an enormous amount of high fat foods. Very few of which developed any dietary related problems into old age.

My best friend is a 6' 115 pound female, who cooks with lard.

I have a high fat/high veggie diet, and am just about in ideal shape for a 22 year old male. Oh. And I'm 48 years old. Maybe I should start marketing a "1940s diet" or something....

But the combination of super-sendentary/high fat food lifestyle is a guaranteed killer, evidently.