Quote Originally Posted by Just a Jarhead View Post
Dave, it's not so much we think the Gov. is plotting behind the scenes as much as , we, like they, think an economic crisis in the United States could lead to massive civil unrest. That's all. BUT....Who among us doubts POTUS would love to be dictator? He has even recently said his life would be easier if he was one. "Never let a crisis go to waste"...remember?
he's got money and people behind him ready to change the country...soros, francis fox-piven, van jones and the list goes on...it's not just him, it's a whole network of people that are organizing to change this country to a marxist/socialist country whether we like it or not...they(meaning right and leftists)have think-tanks that think this shit up and what the responses will be...why do people insist that this isn't gonna happen??? i hope that i am wrong and you can laugh it off later!!! but do i think that is gonna happen??? NO...our freedom, liberty and the great life that we have in this country that we have served in the armed services is under fire...and still people want to bury their heads in the internet, books, tv, hobbies and vacations they can't afford just to play charades...nothing to see here people, nothing to see...