I did my first 3 gun match last month. I SUCKED.

Your gear will do just fine. I had too much on. Way too much.

I was kinda disappointed because I thought it was gonna be more even as far as how much each gun is shot. It was 50% AR, 40% Pistol, and 10% Shotgun. I was expecting a more even mix. It was still awesome, but I was expecting something different. I can't wait to go back.

One thing for sure, I 'thought' I was familiar with my AR and shotgun. I was VERY wrong. Malfunctions meant total breakdowns for me. I suddenly forgot how to clear malfunctions, it was a mess. The shotgun is my weak gun too though. I was surprised when my first 4 shots on steel resulted in 0 knocked down plates. Talk about embarrassing. Anyway, it was a GREAT time and I'm sure I'll see you guys there soon.