Oh well of course I may still get one, it just wouldn't be for what I planned.

Budget? I had planned to drop anywhere around 2,000 for the parts to make a fairly decent rifle(plus or minus a few hundred depending on how long it would take to acquire parts, if its gonna take a while, then the gun-fund has time to build up)

Again, until about a few days ago I had just started looking into it, and I don't exactly know how much everything in all would cost - but the setup in mind was just a basic wood stock and irons to begin with. Don't need to factor in optics for later down the line, as I already have that covered, and don't need to factor in ammo, because I already have that as well.

I have been saving up a lot for my next purchase, and money doesn't always have an opportunity to go to the gun-fund, so I don't mind paying out a little more buck at once for a better bang in the long run. If the springfields are going to fail on me, I don't particularly want to put more time/energy/and most importantly cash into it.