Ive spoken about the drills night in the M4C regional training thread but i figured i would go ahead and say something here as well.

If you own a carbine and you're on this website you need to be coming out to these classes.

I personally enjoy attending simply because it gives me a chance to practice the skills that ive learned over the past year under the watchful eye of Rob, someone that i respect that knows what the hell they're doing.

Its pretty neat to have an opportunity to run the types of drills most of us dream about but cannot due to lack of facilities. Its also really neat to have a chance to analytically assess what works and what doesnt. Every drills night is hosted with a specific purpose and Rob usually does a great job of challenging the students and even himself. Skill level need not apply. For the most part, even the beginners are never left behind as Rob will tailor the class to the students on hand.

Again, i would encourage anyone with a basic interest in running their rifle properly to attend.

The requirements are very simple and the group is quite friendly.