Short story,
I walked in to a dealer a few weeks ago and semi-impulse bought a Surefire RC2 can. Mainly because he had the Silencer Co kiosk and could do one stop shopping.
(I hadn't bough a class 3 item since Obummer changed the rules on trust.)

Fast forward 13 weeks later, I am no closer to getting my can that the day I thought I had purchased it. The dealer still cant get one (even though he said it should be no more than 10 days) and thus no serial number to file with.
This got me thinking, well maybe I should get the RC3 can. It is really worth the extra $$$'s?
I saw a couple of video reviews and it might be slightly worse that the RC2 when it comes to flash suppression.

In short, what are the top overall can(s) that are 556 dedicated that do the best job of not only sound suppression but also flash suppression?

I was leaning toward Surefire because they have been around for a while and will probably be in case I should have an issue with my suppressor.
I don't wanna get all AAC'd and have about zero support a few yrs later.

Even with Pew Science rankings, its hard to get a complete overall picture.

Input plz.
Preferable from hands on experience.