No, they survive because people buy an inferior product and even after they discover it's inferior they try and fix it themselves, rather than make the company address it. I know of an LE agency right now that's having issues with their weapons and it's becoming a major problem.

Colt going bankrupt has nothing to do with their quality or their sales. It's because of their organization, their location and liabilities.

The cost difference between a Colt and BM in normal times was usually not much more than 150.00. Anyone can afford to save 150.00 more. In fact anyone could save 300.00 more, but people don't want to because we live in the Instant Gratification society of microwave results.

Quote Originally Posted by Esq. View Post
I would argue that they "survive" (How many times has Colt gone bankrupt or nearly so, now?) because they produce a product that people want and can afford that will fill a need they have- which in most cases is to sit in a closet and collect dust. That's the truth of the matter.

Now, you can say, "Well, those people are stupid and they should educate themselves and the only AR's in existence should be Colt 6920's etc..." But that's not the way of the world, never has been, never will be. Like it, don't like it....some things simply ARE.....